r&i week event - trapping as methodology: the impacts of climate change and development on the land

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about the event
this session will explore indigenous land based methodologies as an evidence-based approach to planning, programming, policy making and advocacy for the health of lands, waters and peoples and the roles and responsibilities of universities in regards to this work.
moderator: lana ray, phd is an anishinaabe scholar from opwaaganasiniing (red rock indian band). she is a member of the muskellunge clan and an associate professor at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 and lakehead university’s inaugural indigenous research chair in decolonial futures.
speaker: tom morriseau borg is a knowledge keeper from red rock indian band. he possesses extensive knowledge about his traditional territories as a trapper and general land-based practitioner. he is a member of ontario certified engineering technicians and technologist, and previously was the environmental monitoring for his first nation. he has advised on archeological digs and hydro transmission line sites and he has represented red rock indian band on the water management committee, the lake nipigon advisory committee and has been a member of local citizens committee for forestry planning and issues for over two decades among other things.
speaker: dr. stéphane mclachlan, professor, clayton h riddell faculty of environment, earth, and resources. steph’s work with 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and colleagues through the environmental conservation lab at the university of manitoba focuses on environmental justice and health, traditional foods, environmental monitoring, and indigenous data and research sovereignty. it is all partnership-based and bridges indigenous science with the natural and social sciences. this indigenous-led work documents and challenges the disproportionate impacts of hydropower, mining, and other intensive resource extraction on these communities. yet, it is also solutions-oriented and advocacy-based. in amplifying local voices and concerns with decision-makers and the public, it acts to increase public awareness and facilitate political change regarding these issues.