elder in residence - elder beatrice twance-hynes

indigenous student services centre is pleased to have elder beatrice twance-hynes available to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , staff and faculty for individual or small group teachings.
elder beatrice, is a member of biigtigong nishnaabeg first nation. elder beatrice is a traditional women’s dancer who makes her own regalia. she is a grandmother pipe carrier, a sacred circle facilitator, songwriter, singer and drummer. she shares teachings on hand drumming, the medicine wheel, sacred medicines, and the seven grandfathers teachings.
you are welcome to stop by to visit with elder beatrice in the elders room in the gakina nindinawemaaganag lounge uc1007.
all 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 staff and faculty are welcome!