let your voice be heard - indigenous alumni

event date: 
friday, april 29, 2022 - 9:00am edt
event location: 
via zoom
event contact name: 
kaye leatherdale
event contact e-mail: 

to ensure ongoing quality improvement, the indigenous content requirement (icr) provost task force is conducting an evaluation of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's indigenous content requirement.

we invite you to share your feedback as indigenous alumni who have taken an involved in the past 5 years.

friday, april, 29th, 2022 - 9:00 am to 11:00 pm

to register scan or click here

qr code

any questions contact: kaye leatherdale at kwleathe@lakeheadu.ca

let your voices be heard - indigenous 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛

event date: 
thursday, april 28, 2022 - 2:00pm edt
event location: 
via zoom
event contact name: 
kaye leatherdale
event contact e-mail: 

$25 gift card for participating with a chance to win $500

to ensure ongoing quality improvement, the indigenous content requirement provost task force is conducting an evaluation of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's indigenous content requirement.

we invite you to share your feedback as indigenous 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛  who have taken and icr (type e) course on either of our sessions via zoom.

thursday,  april 28th - 2 pm to 4 pm

 to register scan or click here

            qr code                                       

any questions contact: kaye leatherdale at kwleathe@lakeheadu.ca

the language warrior’s manifesto with dr. anton treuer

event date: 
wednesday, april 20, 2022 - 9:00am edt
event location: 
via zoom
event contact name: 
vicki monague
event contact phone: 
event contact e-mail: 

launching 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 ’s

united nations decade of indigenous languages strategy

the language warrior’s manifesto with dr. anton treuer

wednesday, april 20, 2022  | 9 am est/8 am cst | via zoom


9 am opening ceremony & president’s address

9:40 am presentation by dr. treuer & q and a

10:50 am lakehead indigenous languages strategy
free and open to the public.
please register here. 

after registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

in addition, should an elder need help to register, or if anyone wants more information on the un dil project, they can contact me directly at vmmonag1@lakeheadu.ca.
everyone welcome

anton treuer

dr. anton treuer (pronounced troy-er) is professor of ojibwe at bemidji state university and author of 19 books. he has a b.a. from princeton university and a m.a. and ph.d. from the university of minnesota. he is editor of the oshkaabewis (pronounced o-shkaah-bay-wis) native journal, the only academic journal of the ojibwe language. dr. treuer has presented all over the u.s. and canada and in several foreign countries on everything you wanted to know about indians but were afraid to ask, cultural competence & equity, strategies for addressing the “achievement” gap, and tribal sovereignty, history, language, and culture. he has sat on many organizational boards and has received more than 40 prestigious awards and fellowships, including ones from the american philosophical society, the national endowment for the humanities, the national science foundation, the macarthur foundation, the bush foundation, and the john simon guggenheim foundation. his published works include everything you wanted to know about indians but were afraid to ask, the language warrior’s manifesto: how to keep our languages alive no matter the odds, warrior nation: a history of the red lake ojibwe (winner of caroline bancroft history prize and the american association of state and local history award of merit), ojibwe in minnesota (“minnesota’s best read for 2010” by the center for the book in the library of congress), the assassination of hole in the day (award of merit winner from the american association for state and local history), atlas of indian nations, the indian wars: battles, bloodshed, and the fight for freedom on the american frontier, and awesiinyensag (“minnesota’s best read for 2011” by the center for the book in the library of congress). treuer is on the governing board for the minnesota state historical society. in 2018, he was named guardian of culture and lifeways and recipient of the pathfinder award by the association of tribal archives, libraries, and museums. 

gindaasdaa (reading together) book club

event date: 
thursday, february 3, 2022 - 6:30pm est
thursday, february 10, 2022 - 6:30pm est
thursday, february 17, 2022 - 6:30pm est
thursday, february 24, 2022 - 6:30pm est
thursday, march 3, 2022 - 6:30pm est
thursday, march 10, 2022 - 6:30pm est
thursday, march 17, 2022 - 6:30pm edt
thursday, march 24, 2022 - 6:30pm edt
thursday, march 31, 2022 - 6:30pm edt
event location: 
via zoom
event contact name: 
mercedes jacko (she/her)
event contact e-mail: 

gindaasdaa (reading together) book club 

thursdays ~ 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

beausoleil first nation and 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 indigenous initiatives have partnered on hosting a virtual book club.
the book we are reading together is braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer. 
this book club will allow space for folks to meet new friends, build relationships, and stay connected with others while sharing insight. one of the many reasons we chose this book is it's flexibility. each chapter could stand alone allowing readers to join us at any time (or even take a break). the reading schedule is about 1-hour of reading a week and we meet thursdays from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.  if you are interested in more information and/or joining us, please connect with mercedes jacko, indigenous initiatives coordinator (orillia) by email via orillia.ii@lakeheadu.ca 
open to both orillia and thunder bay campuses. 
cover braiding sweetgrasswhat is this book about?
as a botanist, robin wall kimmerer has been trained to ask questions of nature with the tools of science. as a member of the citizen potawatomi nation, she embraces the notion that plants and animals are our oldest teachers. in braiding sweetgrass, kimmerer brings these two ways of knowledge together.

drawing on her life as an indigenous scientist, a mother, and a woman, kimmerer shows how other living beings - asters and goldenrod, strawberries and squash, salamanders, algae, and sweetgrass - offer us gifts and lessons, even if we've forgotten how to hear their voices. in a rich braid of reflections that range from the creation of turtle island to the forces that threaten its flourishing today, she circles toward a central argument: that the awakening of a wider ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgment and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world. for only when we can hear the languages of other beings will we be capable of understanding the generosity of the earth, and learn to give our own gifts in return.

michelle solomon - understanding the treaty relationship: robinson superior, fort william first nation and the crown

event date: 
tuesday, april 5, 2022 - 12:00pm edt
event location: 
via zoom
event contact name: 
anna chief
event contact e-mail: 

michele solomon, councillor fort william first nation

understanding the treaty relationship:  robinson superior, fort william first nation, and the crown

tuesday, april 5, 2022 - 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

via zoom

register in advance for this meeting:


after registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

michelle solomon michele solomon is member and an elected councillor for fort william first nation in her third term of office. she is a proud mother and grandmother. michele earned a ba indigenous learning degree (阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 ) and social service worker diploma (confederation college)

one of her many roles as councillor is to provide guidance and knowledge towards a substantial portfolio area for the first nation, which includes health and community services, finance and youth and social development.   

michele currently works as a community development manager for the ontario native women’s association. in her role as community development manager, michele leads programs focused on indigenous women’s leadership. michele also served on the onwa board of directors from 1988-1993. 

michele’s main area of expertise is mental health and addictions stemming from her many years of employment as a team leader and manager at dilico anishinabek family care and health centre manager for white cedar. from her background in these areas, it has allowed her to obtain a strong knowledge of opioid addiction and treatment. 

everyone welcome to attend.

postponed - métis nation of ontario - infinite reach dot art event

event date: 
wednesday, march 30, 2022 - 11:00am edt
event location: 

the métis dot art event has been postponed until tuesday, april 5, 2022 at 11 am. 

métis nation of ontario - infinite reach dot art event

event date: 
tuesday, april 5, 2022 - 11:00am edt
event location: 
gakina nindinawemaaganag - indigenous student lounge uc 1007
event contact name: 
event contact e-mail: 


learn and partake in métis traditional dot art! drop in at any time, there is no pressure to show up at a certain time or stay for an amount of time. we will talk about métis culture while trying out dot work.
not an artist? no problem! as you'll see with dot art, it's quite easy to manage!
the aim of this event is to teach you more about métis culture and relax before exams involving a fun painting activity! pizza lunch provided.
for more information, email teagan at tmneufel@lakeheadu.ca
light refreshments provided. 

water ceremony – honouring world water days – orillia campus

event date: 
tuesday, march 22, 2022 - 11:00am edt
event location: 
orillia campus (behind simcoe hall)
event contact name: 
mercedes jacko
event contact phone: 
705-330-4010 ext. 2018
event contact e-mail: 

water ceremony – honouring world water days – orillia campus

tuesday, march 22, 2022 – 11 am - orillia campus (behind simcoe hall)

celebrating water and raising awareness about those living without access to safe water. 

rain or shine; dress for the weather. ceremonial protocols in effect. byo chairs, sacred bundles, hand drums, feast bundles and cups. 

please follow lakehead covid-10 guidelines: lakeheadu.ca/about/coronavirus

if you have any questions about the event, please contact: 
mercedes jacko, she/they
indigenous initiatives coordinator 
office of indigenous initiatives
lakehead university, orillia campus
t: 705-330-4010 ext. 2018


wataynikaneyap power career & bursary presentation

event date: 
monday, march 14, 2022 - 12:00pm edt
event location: 
via zoom
event contact name: 
sheila pelletier-demerah
event contact e-mail: 

wataynikaneyap power career & bursary presentation 

march 14th, 2022 12 pm. 

register in advance for this meeting:


staff will share a brief overview of the transmission construction project, $1,000 bursary and mentorship opportunity and summer work experience positions in thunder bay. 

become a team member for one of the largest utility infrastructure projects ever built, which will connect 17 remote first nation communities in northern ontario with clean, reliable and accessible grid power! 

this first nations and fortis partnership has been founded on shared values including respect for the land, guiding principles, and first nation way of life. www.wataypower.ca

bursary deadline march 18, 2022

applications available here https://www.wataypower.ca/project/bursary-and-mentorship-

opentext + 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 - be our guest

event date: 
thursday, march 10, 2022 - 12:30pm est
event location: 
faculty lounge
event contact name: 
amanda davis
event contact e-mail: 

opentext + 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 - be our guest

join us to learn about the opentext paid internship program and enter to win a fire tv cube!
march 10, 2022 - 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm et
955 oliver road, thunder bay, on
faculty lounge

sandwiches, stew and bannock will be served along with snacks.

contact amanadad@opentext.com to book a 1:1 meeting.
raffle and prizes for internship candidates
win a fire cube!
for easy reference, here is the sign-up google forms link: https://forms.gle/ks31ysnd9njqzsyv7
