campus planning resources for orillia campus
these documents will give you an overview of the orillia campus and its growth to date, and will also provide insight into current challenges and opportunities.
lakehead orillia 2006 - 2012
an overview of the growth of the orillia campus.
orillia campus plan 2009 - 2013
our previous campus plan (2009 - 2013) guided the development of the campus to date, resulting in the completion of phase i of our university avenue campus site, including our academic, residence and cafeteria facilities, along with renovations to our downtown sites (heritage place and town court). during this time, the campus plan also guided the growth of our student enrolment, now over 1,300; program offerings; faculty and staff; as well as our research and community initiatives.
strategic plan 2013 - 2018
the orillia campus plan will address the policies and procedures of how the orillia campus operates in a way that ensures consistency within the university as a whole. the following document will be helpful in this regard.