cudo 2014: section i - university revenue and expenses

i1 - revenue for the fiscal year ended april 30, 2013

(in $ thousands)


revenue typeoperatingother (non-credit)subtotalancillaryentities consolidated (sponsored research)entities not consolidated (sponsored research)subtotal (sponsored research)trustcapitaltotal expendable fundsendowment
government grants and contracts                      
a) ontario mtcu                      
i) basic formula grant 45,914 0 45,914 0 0 0 0 0 0 45,914 0
ii) non-formula grant                      
iii) other mtcu grants and contracts 14,985 0 14,985 0 187 0 187 445 1,639 17,256 0
b) other ontario government grants and contracts 3,154 0 3,554 0 1,975 1,993 3,968 0 0 7,122 0
total ontario grants and contracts 64,053 0 64,053 0 2,162 1,993 4,155 445 1,639 70,292 0
c) federal 39 73 112 0 9,291 445 9,736 115 0 9,963 0
d) municipal 0 0 0 0 262 0 262 0 0 262 0
e) other provinces 0 0 0 0 19 0 19 0 0 19 0
f) foreign 0 0 0 0 82 100 182 0 0 182 0
a) tuition fees 49,017 430 49,447 0 0 0 0 0 0 49,447 0
b) miscellaneous fees 3,880 (18) 3,862 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,862 0
borrowings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
donations and non-govt. grants & contracts 3,013 29 3,042 0 2,948 3,357 6,305 1,294 0 10,641 537
sales of services and products 0 0 0 18,837 0 0 0 0 0 18,837 0
investment income                      
a) endowment 0 0 0 0 348 0 348 4,696 0 5,044 912
b) other investment income 1,048 0 1,048 82 144 0 144 98 986 2,358 0
miscellaneous 1,098 0 1,098 0 887 0 887 38 0 2,023 0
total 122,148 514 122,662 18,919 16,143 5,895 22,038 6,686 2,625 172,930 1,449

for more information:
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 financial statements

source: cou, cofo-uo financial report


i2 - expenses for the fiscal year ended april 30, 2013

(in $ thousands)


#expense typeoperatingother (non-credit)subtotal (operating and other)ancillaryentities consolidated (sponsored research)entities not consolidated (sponsored research)subtotal (sponsored research)trustcapitaltotal
1 salaries and wages                    
  i) academic ranks 43,957 12 43,969 0 947 0 947 0 0 44,916
  ii) other instruction and research 7,016 125 7,141 0 5,271 2,647 7,918 0 0 15,059
  iii) other salaries & wages 24,839 407 25,246 2,626 1,412 678 2,090 1 0 29,963
  total salaries and wages 75,812 544 76,356 2,626 7,630 3,325 10,955 1 0 89,938
2 employee benefits 14,004 52 14,056 521 729 524 1,253 0 0 15,830
  total salaries and benefits 89,816 596 90,412 3,147 8,359 3,849 12,208 1 0 104,768
3 library acquisitions 1,731 8 1,739 0 68 0 68 0 0 1,807
4 equipment and furniture purchases 1,751 17 1,768 371 806 0 806 8 0 2,953
5 equipment rental and maintenance 3,623 16 3,639 3 411 347 758 0 0 4,400
6 printing and duplicating 350 9 359 23 32 0 32 0 0 414
7 materials and supplies 2,763 88 2,851 343 2,035 584 2,619 11 0 5,824
8 communications 546 4 550 209 44 103 147 0 0 906
9 professional fees 251 0 251 136 18 94 112 0 0 499
10 costs of goods sold 0 0 0 7,838 0 0 0 0 0 7,838
11 travel 1,697 59 1,756 95 1,368 208 1,576 24 0 3,451
12 utilities 3,056 0 3,056 1,132 4 0 4 0 0 4,192
13 renovations and alterations 0 0 0 1,681 0 0 0 0 339 2,020
14 externally contracted services 647 0 647 1,025 0 110 110 0 0 1,782
15 scholarships, bursaries, etc. 5,664 0 5,664 0 2,630 0 2,630 1,304 0 9,598
16 debt repayments 147 0 147 712 0 0 0 0 887 1,536
17 interest 414 0 414 2,482 0 0 0 0 3,795 6,691
18 building, land and site services 0 0 0 0 0 451 451 0 0 451
19 other operational expenditures 4,535 73 4,608 285 130 149 279 0 0 5,172
20 internal cost allocations 115 0 115 (115) 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 external cost recoveries (958) (332) (1,290) 0 (29) 0 (29) 0 0 (1,319)
  total 116,148 538 116,686 19,367 15,876 5,895 21,771 1,348 5,021 164,193

for more information:
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 financial statements

source: cou, cofo-uo financial report


visit the council of ontario universities for similar information on other ontario universities.