cudo 2013: section b - admission

b1 - applicants and registrants by program, 2012

full time, first year applicants and registrants in first entry programs by type and program.

programattended an ontario secondary school in the previous yearall others (non-secondary school)total
arts/humanities/social science   
total applicants (first choice)10684190
total registrants (first choice)6638104
total applications (all choices)464206670
total registrants (all choices)8954143
total applicants (first choice)14272214
total registrants (first choice)8233115
total applications (all choices)647209856
total registrants (all choices)13548183
commerce/mgmt/business admin   
total applicants (first choice)8150131
total registrants (first choice)411253
total applications (all choices)426102528
total registrants (all choices)721890
total applicants (first choice)327102429
total registrants (first choice)17051221
total applications (all choices)11802321412
total registrants (all choices)26266328
phys/health ed/recreation   
total applicants (first choice)10023123
total registrants (first choice)50858
total applications (all choices)35475429
total registrants (all choices)781290
engineering & applied science   
total applicants (first choice)8372155
total registrants (first choice)432467
total applications (all choices)324164488
total registrants (all choices)8131112
fine & applied arts   
total applicants (first choice)6713
total registrants (first choice)235
total applications (all choices)231134
total registrants (all choices)235
total applicants (first choice)431457
total registrants (first choice)26127
total applications (all choices)12223145
total registrants (all choices)32234
total applicants (first choice)9312
total registrants (first choice)415
total applications (all choices)28735
total registrants (all choices)516
total applicants (first choice)112143255
total registrants (first choice)513384
total applications (all choices)318328646
total registrants (all choices)8949138
social work   
total applicants (first choice)6750117
total registrants (first choice)382765
total applications (all choices)258107365
total registrants (all choices)7034104
other degrees   
total applicants (first choice)10242144
total registrants (first choice)441660
total applications (all choices)34395438
total registrants (all choices)702494

source: ouac


b2 - program undergraduate admission requirements

the following url will link you to ouac's einfo, which will provide you with general information on universities' programs, including admission requirements:

url to more detailed lakehead information, and up-to-date policy on admission requirements:

阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 admission requirements
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student awards and financial aid


b3 - secondary school averages of full-time, first year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , fall 2012

the following tables show the percentage of full-time, first year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 by average range and program. 
averages are based on final grades for grade 12 university destination courses.

 percent with entering average of… 
program / entering average95%+between 90% and 94%between 85% and 89%between 80% and 84%between 75% and 79%between 70% and 74%below 70%overall average
business & commerce1.4%4.2%11.3%11.3%23.9%25.4%22.5%76.0%
physical education1.3%0.0%14.3%26.0%24.7%26.0%7.8%78.1%
fine arts0.0%50.0%0.0%50.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%87.0%
social work1.4%2.9%13.0%31.9%18.8%18.8%13.0%78.5%
other degrees1.4%5.7%11.4%24.3%20.0%22.9%14.3%77.7%

source: ouac


b4 - application fees

the following chart shows 2013-14 application fees charged by ouac.

fee type101 secondary school105 non-secondary
additional choices$44.00$44.00
application (if outside canada)$140.00$145.00

the 'application' fee applies to the initial three university/program choices.  
the 'additional choices' fee must be paid for each university/program choice beyond the initial three.

for secondary school applicants (101s), click here for institution/program specific application fees:  
ouac 101 applicant information

for non-secondary applicants (105s), click here for institution/program specific application fees: 
ouac 105 applicant information

source:  ouac


b5 - admission in winter, spring, summer terms

are first-time, first-year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 accepted for terms other than the fall?

source: individual institutions


b6 - deferred admission

does your institution allow 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to postpone enrolment after admission?if yes, maximum period of postponement:
yesone (1) year

source: individual institutions


visit the council of ontario universities for similar information on other ontario universities.