cudo 2010: section j - research

j1 - research awards, by granting council


the following table is for research awards granted in 2009-2010.

council# awardsfunding ($)
social sciences and humanities research council of canada (sshrc) 32 $1,155,425.00
natural science and engineering research council of canada (nserc) 126 $3,212,465.00
canadian institutes of health research (cihr) 13 $620,355.00

the figures exclude canada research chairs (crc's) and national centres of excellence (nce) and include affiliates, where appropriate.

sshrc: all payments by program activity 2009-2010.  excludes indirect costs.
nserc: grants and scholarships by university/college.
cihr: cihr funding database.  funding type: all.

source: social sciences and humanities research council of canada (sshrc), natural science and engineering research council of canada (nserc) and canadian institutes of health research (cihr).     


visit the council of ontario universities for similar information on other ontario universities.