contact resources
contact resources:
questions? see below for contact resources: who do i contact if…
- i am unsure if my curriculum change requires a proposal brief (provost office)
- i have questions about developing a program proposal brief (provost office)
- i am unsure if my change is a major modification, not major, or a special modification (provost office)
- i have questions about quality assurance and the iqap (provost office)
- i am having trouble logging into my curriculum navigator account (manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation)
- i am new to curriculum navigator and i don't know where to start (manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation)
- i would like to track a request but i don’t have a user account (manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation)
- i am unsure how to attach a program proposal brief to my curriculum navigator request (manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation)
- there are many pieces of my request and i’m not sure how to submit them all into curriculum navigator (manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation)
- i received an email from and i’m not sure why (manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation)
- a curriculum request was relegated back to me and i’m not sure what to do with it (manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation or provost office)
- i have questions about associated curriculum changes (manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation)
- i want to know the deadline for submitting curriculum requests (university secretariat)
- i am an administrator or chair on a senate committee and have questions about my report to senate (university secretariat)
- for all questions regarding senate reports, meeting dates, senate minutes, senate committee members, or senate committee terms of reference (university secretariat)
provost office: contact the provost and vice-president (academic) office at or 807-343-8010 (ext. 8132).
manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation: contact the manager of curriculum development, delivery, and convocation at or 807-343-8010 (ext. 7220).
university secretariat: contact the secretariat office at or 807-343-8010 (ext. 7929).