faculty and staff directory

you can search using any of the following:

  • first name, last name: e.g. john smith
  • last name, first name: e.g. smith, john
  • name: searches both first and last names, e.g. jack
  • partial names: e.g. "ja" will bring up anyone with the first or last name starting with "ja". you can do this for both the first name and last name, so "s, john" will show "john smith" and "john samuels"
  • phone extension: last four digits only e.g. 1234

note that you must have javascript enabled to use the online directory. please call the helpdesk if you need help enabling you javascript.

for directory changes:   state if the change is a new addition, editing existing, or removal. include:

  • department name
  • name
  • title
  • room number
  • phone number
  • fax
  • email address

and email switch.board@lakeheadu.ca


and/or and/or

click here to suggest a change / add a contact