frequently asked questions

  • how do i sign into my account to access my pages?
    to sign in visit:
    enter your regular username and password

  • can i use my generic email account (example: to login to the cms?
    no. generic email accounts are no longer available within the cms due to accountability matters. please attend training and register your personal email address.
  • how do i acquire a faculty/staff profile page?
    faculty and staff profiles are created by web development services and maintained by the owner upon completion. to request a profile, please submit a ticket via our support system found at

    faculty and staff who wish to maintain their own profiles do not need to have training. please view the following tutorial for assistance.
  • i have a new member on staff, how do they obtain access to edit the website?
    web development services offers website training session periodically throughout the year. we encourage staff to check the bulletins for training announcements. staff must have this training prior to editing the website.

  • why can’t i change the size, colour and choice of font within my own webpages?
    do to accessibility and readability; web development services has disabled user access. the set colour and size of text is completely aoda compliant.

web development services is not responsible for the following areas: