student affairs weekly update - october 6th, 2017

make the most of study week

this week's student affairs weekly newsletter is all about making the most of your fall study week.

top tips to make the most of fall study week

the fall study week is next week and we want to help you make the most of your week away from classes. whether you’re travelling to return home to see family and friends or staying put, here’s a list of our top recommendations to ensure your return to lakehead after the break is a good one:

1.   rest. make sure you take time to relax and rest both your brain and body after the first few weeks of school. assignments and mid-terms begin to pile up and taking time to be refreshed and rejuvenated is important. 

2.   prioritize & plan. now that the first weeks have gone by, you’ll need to concentrate on what’s coming up in your courses for the next half of the semester.

  • plan and chart all your due dates, exams, assignments, and papers so you can visually see deadlines.
  • prioritize your work so you have plenty of time to complete assignments and study.
  • get organized. organize your notes and assignments to make sure all is complete.
  • make a 5-day study plan. 
3.   catch up. take the time to catch up on everything. whether it’s completing an assignment or reviewing your notes, make sure you are up-to-date with your course materials. 
4.   connect.  make time to connect with those that are important in your life. gather with friends, converse with family and share your university photos. even connecting with your group members to get a head start on your group projects is beneficial. 
5.   enjoy. do something fun every day and stay balanced between your academics and personal life. enjoy the outdoors, cook something new, read for pleasure, or make a new friend - the possibilities are endless. 
6.   reflect. take a moment to reflect on your first 5 weeks of this semester and create goals for the second half of the semester that keep you well balanced. 
7.   visit the student success team. if you have yet to discover where the student success centre is located or how we can help make the most of your lakehead adventure, fall study week is the perfect time to get to know us! you’ll find us in the tunnels, sc 0008, down the hallway between lusu & campus tech. come for a visit!  

we are open! 
even though classes aren't in session, the university remains open throughout fall study break (except for thanksgiving monday). if you are around campus, be sure to stop by the various student affairs offices - we are here to help!
  • need to see a doctor or counsellor? stop by student health & counselling in prettie residence or call 343-8361. 
  • meditation is running on tuesday, thursday and friday in student health & counselling too!
  • looking for extra assistance with your studies? free tutoring is offered in small group sessions - feel free to drop by the academic support zone in the library - second floor li 2004. 
  • need help with writing your next essay? the academic support zone also provides writing centre services. 
  • looking for ways to fund your education? the application to apply for in-course awards is now open - check out myawards in myinfo. stop by student central (beside the agora) to also meet  with a student central professional to discuss budgeting and other ways to fund your education.

party without smoke

student health & counselling urges you to take control this weekend and party without the smoke. visit for tips, or book a smoking cessation appointment where you can discuss free nicotine replacement therapy options with a medical professional. 
gain valuable experience
gain valuable work experience. apply to co-op!
have you thought about ways to enhance your learning while gaining hands-on work experience? through co-op, you can alternate your academic studies with periods of work experience where you will deepen your knowledge of your field while earning additional money and gaining valuable experience. the application for co-op summer 2018 is now open. apply today here -- you can also stop by the student success centre to talk about how co-op works, past employers, and more. 
 health serivces
we are open over the study break!
student health and counselling is open as usual over the study break.  call (343-8361) or stop by in the prettie residence building to make an appointment with a doctor or counsellor.  
free meditation sessions
meditation is still running study week as well (tuesday, thursday and friday).