cyclical program reviews

cyclical program reviews are designed to ensure that the educational experiences 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have are engaging and rigorous, and that the programs providing those experiences are routinely monitored and, if necessary, revised. continuous improvement of those facets of education that most directly impact the academic experiences of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 is fundamental to quality assurance and, thus, continuous improvement factors significantly in the protocol for cyclical program reviews.

supporting documents

the institutional quality assurance process (iqap)

upcoming program reviews


please direct any questions or concerns to the deputy provost and vice-provost (teaching and learning), dr. rhonda koster.

completed reviews

see the following links for final reports of completed program reviews under the institutional quality assurance process (iqap v3.0 re-ratified 2023).