calendar of academic processes

the following inlcudes important dates as they relate to the university calendar.


annual salary adjustment (september 1)

article 35.01.02

renewal procedure - probationary appointment (september 1)

dean shall inform member in writing in the final year of his/her first probationary appointment that he/she will be considered for renewal by the ptr committee. article 23.02

ptr applications due (september 15)

applications are due to the vice-president (academic) and faculty deans. articles 23, 25, 26

instructions for completion of cv: a guideline for candidates for promotion, tenure or renewal in preparing their curriculum vitae.


sabbatical leave application due (october 1)

a tenured member seeking sabbatical leave shall submit a written application to the dean by october 1 of the year immediately preceding the academic year for which the leave is requested. article 37.01.03

ptr committee elections complete (october 15)

the elections for the ptr committee shall be completed by the office of the provost and vice-president (academic). article 22.04

merit awards applications due (october 15)

faculty who choose to be considered for a merit award increment must apply to the office of the provost and vice-president (academic) and his/her dean. appendix 1.03.02

ptr committee member bias declaration (october 25)

a candidate who is to be considered by the committee must successfully demonstrate to the chair that a committee member is biased and therefore incapable of rendering a fair judgement. article 22.03.01

orientation of ptr committee (october 31)

date and time to be determined. article 22.05


elections to merit awards committee (november 7)

for each faculty, the office of the dean shall complete the elections for the faculty representative to the merit awards committee by november 7 of each year. appendix 1.02.03

external appraisers for candidates applying for promotion to professor (november 15)

for each candidate for promotion to professor, the dean of the candidate's faculty shall assemble a list of at least six persons external to the university who could be asked to submit appraisals of the written materials submitted by the candidate as evidence of the quality of his/her scholarship and/or of his/her teaching performance. article 26.05.01

external appraisers recommendations the office of the provost and vice-president (academic) (november 20)

the dean shall recommend to the office of the provost and vice-president (academic) three persons from the list who will serve as external appraisers. article 26.05.01

candidates for promotion to professor may submit materials for additional external appraiser (november 30)

the candidate may name one additional external appraiser who is not a family member, has not been a graduate research supervisor for the candidate or, within the past six (6) years, has not collaborated with the candidate. article 26.05.01


merit awards committee meeting convened re: responsibilites and procedures (prior to january 14)

time and location to be announced. appendix 1.02.05

sabbatical leave approval (december 15)

the president shall notify the applicant in writing and before december 15 whether the sabbatical leave has been approved. article 37.01.04

ptr committee meetings convened (december 15)

a meeting of the committee shall be convened and chaired by the provost and vice-president (academic) by december 15 of each year for the purpose of considering candidates for renewal and tenure and those candidates who are simultaneously applying for tenure and promotion to the rank of associate professor. article 22.07


merit awards committee meeting convened (january 14)

a meeting of the merit awards committee shall be convened and chaired by the provost and vice-president (academic) for the purpose of allocating the funds available for merit awards. appendix 1.02.06

notification of committee's recommendation for renewal, promotion and tenure by the president (january 15)

the candidate shall be informed by the president of the committee's recommendation to the president and of the president's recommendation to the board. articles 23.09, 25.10, 26.12

chair/directors must notify deans of intent to be considered for additional term (january 15)

in the final year of a term, the incumbent chair or director shall notify the dean in writing of his/her intent to be considered for an additional term. article 28.01.03

department/school meet to determine reappointment of chair/director or appoint nomination committee (january 31)

the department or school, or faculty in the case of a chair or director of a program shall hold a formal meeting of the final year of a term and decide either: to recommend that the incumbent chair/director be reappointed; or to appoint a nomination committee. article 28.01.03

notification by president of committee's recommendation for merit awards (january 31)

the candidate shall be informed by the president in writing of the committee's recommendation to the president and of the president's decision. appendix 1.03.08

sabbatical leave cancellation notice due (january 31)

a successful applicant may cancel the leave by notifying the president in writing no later than january 31, after which a requested cancellation by the member may be granted at the discretion of the president. article 37.01.04


nomination committee for a chair/director formed (february 15)

nomination committee for a chair or a director shall be formed by february 15 of the final year of a term. article 28.01.04


nomination committee for a chair/director formed (march 7)

the committee shall establish a short list of candidates and shall present this list to the full-time faculty members of the department or school or faculty. if possible, at least two names, shall be approved by the nomination committee and submitted to the department or school or faculty by march 7 of the final year of a term. article 28.01.05

nomination committee for a chair/director report due to view to the office of the provost and vice-president (academic) (march 15)

the report of the nomination committee and the name of the preferred candidate shall be submitted to the office of the provost and vice-president (academic) by march 15 of the final year of a term. article 28.01.05


ptr committee meet (april 30)

a meeting of the ptr committee shall be convened and chaired by the provost and vice-president (academic) by april 30 each year for the purpose of considering candidates for promotion who are simultaneously applying for tenure and promotion to the rank of associate professor. articles 22.08


president will inform candidates of committee's recommendations (promotion to professor only) (june 30)

the president must inform candidates in writing of the committee's recommendation to the president and the president's recommendation to the board and reasons (promotion to professor only). article 26.12


annual report due (july 31) - click here to download the revised template

each faculty member shall submit to his/her immediate supervisor three copies of an annual report by july 31st of each year. article 16.06.01


promotion, tenure & renewal (ptr) information session (august)

time and location to be announced

click here for instructions for completion of curriculum vitae (cv): a guidline for candidates for promotion, tenure or renewal in preparing their curriculum vitae