general faq

what is the ombudsperson?

the office of the ombudsperson is an impartial service which provides confidential and informal assistance for resolving any 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 -related concerns, complaints or conflicts, especially those that are not being adequately addressed through usual channels. the role of the ombudsperson is ‘preventative conflict resolution’ in practice. the ombudsperson is available to all members of the university community, including current, former and prospective 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . the ombudsperson does not take sides, but rather will consider all sides of an issue in an impartial and objective manner. the ombudsperson is independent of the university’s formal administrative structure. this independence ensures a safe, impartial and strictly confidential environment. the office is funded equally by lu and lusu and overseen by the ombudsperson committee, whose members include 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , staff and faculty.

what can the ombudsperson do for me?

listen and clarify

  • listen carefully to your concerns and ask questions to help clarify them.
  • gather all of the relevant facts and objectively review your situation.
  • understand your goals and what outcomes you are seeking.
  • help you to define the problem and identify / evaluate a variety of options toward finding a solution.
  • make inquiries on your behalf.

advise and inform

  • provide advice on how to access appropriate decision makers.
  • make a referral to other university or community resources.
  • help you understand lu policies, procedures and practices that may be relevant to your situation.
  • provide information you need to solve university-related concerns and suggest approaches for managing conflicts.
  • help you create and analyze workable options and develop a plan of action.
  • provide advice on informal and formal methods of dispute resolution.
  • provide guidance in the preparation of an articulate and informative case to assist in reaching a fair resolution.

assist and intervene

  • make enquiries, collaborate and initiate problem-solving discussions with others.
  • examine all the relevant evidence and initiate discussion with other responsible individuals with your permission (for instance, speak with the registrar, instructor or chair).
  • facilitate effective communication and act as a go-between or intermediary.

mediate and explore

  • help you solve a problem or complaint informally and quickly.
  • assist you in pursuing an effective resolution.
  • act as a facilitator or mediator for conflicts between yourself and others.
  • make recommendations regarding solutions or changes to policies and procedures when appropriate.

when should i contact the ombudsperson?

  • when you want to discuss a sensitive issue in confidence
  • when you have a conflict with another party and need help in facilitating resolution.
  • when you have a situation requiring help in communication or negotiation with faculty, staff, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , or others.
  • when you are unsure which policies, procedures or regulations apply.
  • when you feel a policy, procedure or regulation has been unfairly applied to you.
  • when you have a complaint about an office or service at the university.
  • when you don’t know who to talk to, where to turn or what options are available.

what kind of concerns does the ombudsperson handle?

an ombudsperson is available to handle university-related complaints and concerns that have not been adequately addressed through the usual channels. however, you are in control of the process i.e. you ultimately decide what to do about your situation and can decide to withdraw from the ombuds service at any time. some reasons for visiting the office of the ombudsperson include:


  • grade appeals
  • academic misconduct (e.g. plagiarism)
  • student records and transcripts
  • course rules and requirements
  • performance feedback
  • medical or compelling circumstances
  • problems with instructors / placements
  • academic probation and readmission
  • requests to withdraw from a program
  • learning environment


  • registration
  • fees / financial / osap
  • parking
  • fines and refunds
  • discrimination / harassment
  • student or staff codes of conduct / misconduct
  • residence & housing
  • student employment on campus
  • general university environment

what can the ombudsperson not do?

  • take sides
  • breach confidentiality
  • provide legal or psychological counseling
  • make policy and managerial decisions
  • make discipline decisions
  • act as a substitute for formal grievance, investigative or appeals processes
  • participate in academic appeals processes
  • intervene in any conflicts with individuals or groups outside the university
  • intervene in any matter covered by a collective agreement
  • accept notice on behalf of the university

can the ombudsperson make binding decisions?

while the ombudsperson may comment on or make recommendations for change in 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 policy, practice or procedures, the ombudsperson cannot make or “overrule” university policy or replace established legislative, judicial or administrative rules or procedures.

what is the role of the ombudsperson in the appeal process?

世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 initiate appeals. the ombuds office does not replace the appeal process. the ombudsperson can provide information about appeal procedures and grounds for appeal, and can facilitate communication, clarify issues or problem-solve to assist the student in understanding the process and his or her rights and responsibilities. advice on organizing and presenting an appeal, or offering feedback on an appeal letter can be provided. the ombudsperson does not represent or advocate for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 at appeal hearings.

a student appealing an academic decision can receive help from the ombuds office in the way of:

  •  information about policies and procedures
  •  information about how decisions are made
  •  advice about what to present at the appeal
  •  an opinion about the merits of a particular case
  •  feedback on a draft letter
  •  intervention to facilitate communication, clarify issues or problem solve.


many thanks to ryerson university ombudsperson and confederation college ombudsperson.