faq for faculty & staff
the ombudsperson offers confidential guidance and support on any university-related issue to all lakehead faculty and staff. below are some of the most common concerns which staff and faculty experience, and their related policies and procedures. remember: when in doubt, contact the ombudsperson!
student code of conduct - academic integrity
student code of conduct - non-academic
student code of conduct - appeal policy
providing timely feedback on academic work
tests and assignments in the last week of classes
rescheduling of academic activities
employee code of conduct
employee code of conduct.pdf (lakeheadu.ca)
student code of conduct - academic integrity
student code of conduct - academic integrity.pdf (lakeheadu.ca)
student code of conduct - non-academic
student code of conduct - non-academic.pdf (lakeheadu.ca)
student code of conduct - appeal policy
student code of conduct - appeal policy and judicial panel procedures.pdf (lakeheadu.ca)
academic appeals process
the appeal process must be started by the student within 15 working days of the release of the final mark by enrolment services. please advise 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who are considering to appeal a final mark or or other academic decision that these steps should be followed, and encourage them to read the policy:
step 1: the student should first discuss the final course mark or other academic decision informally with the course evaluator or decision maker.
step 2: if the matter is not resolved at step 1, the student may appeal the final mark or academic decision by submitting appeal documents [either form a or b] to the faculty dean after paying appeal fee at accounts office.
step 3: if the matter is not resolved at step 2, the student may apply for a hearing of the senate academic appeals committee (saac).
see the reappraisal and academic appeals policy:
reappraisal and academic appeals_0.pdf (lakeheadu.ca)
providing timely feedback on academic work
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 recognizes that it is important to provide timely and constructive feedback on all academic work. for all courses, at least 25% (for one term courses) and 30% (for two term courses) of the final grade shall be provided to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 prior to the last day to withdraw without academic penalty for the course.
exceptions to the graded feedback include theses, dissertations, pass/fail courses, directed reading courses, seminar courses, independent research study courses, and performance courses, along with condensed (less than 12 weeks) courses including but not limited to spring and summer courses. all other exceptions must be approved by the dean. exceptions granted should be included on the course outline.
see regulation ix on timely feedback:
navigator suite - catalog - view catalog (lakeheadu.ca)
tests and assignments in the last week of classes
in all courses, instructors must not schedule any form of test (e.g., quiz, exam) other than laboratory tests in the 10 calendar days prior to the start of the formal examination period (the last week of classes and the study period)
in all courses, instructors must not schedule any form of test (e.g., quiz, exam) or require 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to submit an assignment during the exam study period. the exam study period are the dates between the last day of classes and the first day of the formal examination period in each term as specified in the academic schedule published in the calendar. normally the exam study period is one or two days.
any exceptions must be approved by the dean. requests for exemptions should include a rationale and be submitted to the dean prior to the start of term. exceptions granted should be included on the course outline.
see the regulation:
restrictions on the timing of tests and assignments.pdf (lakeheadu.ca)
course outline (syllabus) policy
at the commencement of each course, a faculty member shall prepare and make available to the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 information either in hard copy or electronic form concerning course requirements, assignments, evaluation procedures, components and percentage weighting of the final mark, penalties for late filing of assignments, office hours for academic counselling and any other relevant material, and shall file a copy of this written information with his/her immediate supervisor. any change to this written information must be provided in either hard copy or electronic form to the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and copied to the immediate supervisor in a timely manner. the lufa collective agreement, article 16.02.07, affirms the above.
see the course outline guide:
useful syllabus rubric for instructors, and other teaching resources:
世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ' right to view final examinations
within one year following the date of the examination, at the student’s request, course instructors shall provide the opportunity for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to view their final examination, including examinations written and/or submitted electronically, in the presence of the instructor or designate.
see the regulation:
final examinations - retention and viewing.pdf (lakeheadu.ca)
rescheduling academic activities
as per article 16.02.08 of the faculty rights and responsibilities, a faculty member shall notify 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and their immediate supervisor as far in advance as is practicable of the rescheduling of any instructional activity. rescheduling shall occur only in exceptional circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the faculty member or when prior approval has been obtained from the immediate supervisor and prior arrangements have been made with the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
student illness or other extenuating circumstances
see university regulations on student obligations in cases of illness or other extenuating circumstances iii: missed or late academic term work due to illness or other extenuating circumstances, and iv: final exam deferral due to illness or other extenuating circumstances: