employee benefits day

event date: 
thursday, january 26, 2023 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm est
event location: 
at 3004 (thunder bay), oa 2005 (orillia), virtual

our benefits provider – green shield canada – will be hosting two (2) 30-minute sessions with virtual and in-person options available in thunder bay and orillia. the first session will explore green shield’s primary program – gsc everywhere and their digital offerings. the second session will discuss the new digital clinic health depot available to benefit holders. coffee and tea will be provided. prizes from green shield will also be given away throughout our sessions!

connect with here: https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/98846212253?pwd=zknhogf1t3dcrknpzlzytumvtw1hut09