30-day gratitude challenge

gratitude helps us actually change the pace at which we adapt to change. and if we can adapt to change faster, then we can be more present (omar brownson).
gratitude health benefits
- promotes better sleep
- lowers blood pressure
- improves mindfulness
- increases energy
- improves mood and feelings of happiness
- decreases stress
what is the 30-day gratitude challenge?
gratitude is a key factor for living a life filled with positivity. unfortunately, many of us aren't in the habit of expressing gratitude on a daily basis. with a little help and practice, being grateful can easily become a part of your life. we challenge you to tackle the 30-day gratitude challenge.
this 30-day gratitude wellness challenge is designed to help you harness the power of gratitude in both your professional and personal life. each day features a small achievable goal to help you express your gratitude and better appreciate the little things in life.
start the 30-day challenge to feel happier, healthier and more grateful instantly!
how to participate
download the attached 30-day challenge worksheet and complete each challenge. share your progress with us on social media using the hashtag #gratitudeatlakehead.