internal relations committee


the prime purpose of the committee is to promote understanding between and among university groups; to improve relationships; and, by hearing needs and acting appropriately, to provide a continually improving workplace environment. management also sees this committee as an avenue for bringing forth relevant information to faculty and staff groups, e.g. long range planning, eap, deferred leaves, etc. the committee will not be used for the purpose of resolving collective agreement disputes or negotiations.

meeting dates

third tuesday of each month at 2:30 p.m.

committee member agenda items

matters to be included on an agenda should be submitted to the chair of the internal relations committee at least one week prior to the meeting, and such matters should be supported by relevant information. emergency items that may arise prior to a meeting, but after the one week time period noted above, may be considered under the agenda item, other business. such emergency matters should be added to the agenda if the members present at the meeting approve an amended agenda.

if employees have possible agenda items, please contact your representative listed below, or human resources.

  • chair: r. antony
  • cope: a. paulusma
  • cupe: s. hosseini
  • gsa: r. parmeshwarn
  • iuoe: j. drewes
  • lufa: g. das
  • lusu: l. naeem
  • luta (technical staff): j. freeburn
  • opseu: d. andreason
  • schedule ii: p. larin
  • unifor: h. spivak
  • usw: g. croft
  • provost & vp academic: d. barnett
  • vp administration & finance: k. pozihun