shifting the focus from weight to health; eating disorder awareness week tookit; asist courses

shifting the focus from weight to health

do your workplace wellness plans for this year include activities that focus on weight management? while they may be good intentioned, approaches to wellness that emphasize weight loss actually do more harm than good.

promotion of simplistic messaging around eating, physical activity and weight loss have unintentionally caused harm, contributing to weight bias, stigma and discrimination. this has resulted in weight-related teasing, bullying, harassment, ostracism, pressure to lose weight, and negative comments about appearance. the toll of this social injustice is significant to all aspects of health and it's time for change.

public health is shifting the focus from "obesity prevention" to health promotion and weight stigma prevention –putting more emphasis on health, not weight. while we are taking steps to be more body inclusive in our programs and services, we invite all organizations to consider how health is defined by more than just a number on a scale. it is integrated with physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

the following are some basic precepts to consider for a more body-inclusive approach to wellness promotion:

  • healthy bodies come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
  • a person's bodyweight is determined by multiple complex factors, many of which are beyond their control, including genetics, physiological, environmental, social, and economic determinants.
  • there is not a linear relationship between the number on a scale and a person's quality of life or risk of disease. 
  • everyone can benefit from interventions that help them improve their well-being, regardless of their body size.

workplace wellness champions are encouraged to be mindful of how their ongoing health messaging is framed. let's work together towards supporting the wellbeing of every body. 

check out the following resources for specific actions you can take to reduce weight stigma and show respect for body diversity:

eating disorder awareness week toolkit

february 1-7, 2025 is eating disorder awareness week. this is a national campaign to highlight the impact of eating disorders, challenge stereotypes and misconceptions, and offer guidance on how to support those living with an eating disorder.

this year, every body collaborative – thunder bay chapter has developed a toolkit with educational resources and campaign materials. it includes templates for stickers and posters, and step-by-step guides to running your own mirrorless monday or no diet day campaign. the toolkit can be tailored to any education, healthcare, or workplace setting.

eating disorders affect us all and it takes a community to foster a culture of awareness and healing.

click here to view the eating disorder awareness week toolkit

upcoming applied suicide intervention skills (asist) training

the thunder bay branch of the canadian mental health association will be hosting asist - applied suicide intervention skills training workshops in 2025. during this two-day interactive workshop participants will learn how to:

  • recognize invitations for help
  • reach out and offer support
  • review the risk of suicide
  • apply a suicide intervention model
  • link people with community resources

for details and to sign up, visit:

if you're looking for support to build a healthy workplace program, tbdhu can help!
our team of workplace wellness experts supports organizations with developing a
workplace wellness program based on their unique needs.
all services are free! for more information, visit tbdhu workplace health,
call 807-625-5900 or email