lock-out/tag-out procedure

approved by: h. briggs
approved on: september 1, 2005 | revised december 14, 2006

to co-ordinate and record all lockouts/tagouts of mechanical and electrical equipment including contractor equipment connected to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 services.


  • lockout – isolating, de-energizing and locking of equipment to permit safe work. a lockout must have at least one personal lockout lock on at all times.

  • lockout lock - a personalized engraved lock owned and controlled by one worker and having one key only.

  • lockout tag - a red and white striped tag stating; "equipment is locked out by" and "this tag and lock to be removed only by person shown on back". the tags are to be used only on lockouts. every person working on locked out equipment must have his/her own tag.

  • tagout - isolating and tagging of equipment to prevent unauthorized tampering. equipment may be tagged on or off. a brown mechanical lock may be used. this is not a lockout and cannot be used to allow working on equipment.

  • brown mechanical lock (tagout) - the standard brown lock with keys shared by mechanics, electricians, power house and caretakers (for ladders). these locks are used to prevent unauthorized use or tampering with equipment only.

  • tagout tag - white tags with "danger" written on them used to convey information to other authorized workers. can be used supplementary to a lockout but not as a substitute to a lockout tag.

  • record log - a permanent record of all lockouts/tagouts kept in the power house.

  • lockout record sheet - a written record of a lockout kept on a clipboard in the building lockout station.

  • lockout station - a specified location in each building where the records of lock outs and tagouts for that building are kept.

  • operator - a competent and authorized worker doing the lockout/tagout.

  • worker - employee or contractor working on equipment under lockout protection.

information on lockout/tagout tags (use proper tags)

  1. operator's name.
  2. contractor's name (if applicable) and contact information.
  3. equipment id and location.
  4. date and time tag hung.
  5. purpose.
  6. id# from record log book in power house.

information in log book
all of above plus

g) names of all workers and contractors on a lockout.
h) date and time workers locked on and off
i) date and reason removed.
j) operator removing the lockout

list of lockout stations

  • atac at 0001
  • braun building bb 1058
  • bora laskin bl 0001b
  • balmoral street centre hs 1008
  • cnfer fb penthouse
  • centennial building cb 0015, 0019, 0023, 0029, 0039, 0047, 4002, 4084
  • cj sanders fieldhouse sb 1030
  • green house gh 1007
  • power house ph 1000
  • ryan building rb 0007
  • ryan building uc 0004, 0035, 0037, 2025


  1. may require a lockout on equipment operated by university staff.
  2. may be in care and control of a project that is receiving services from 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .

contractor's procedure

  1. a lockout will be done by 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 staff following normal university procedures. university staff will ensure that the contractor has appropriate locks and the names of the workers are recorded. in addition, university operator or manager must put his/her own personal lockout on for the duration of the work.

  2. the tie in points where a contractor is receiving services from 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 will be identified and tagged. the tag must have the name of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 operator putting the tag on and the contractor's people responsible for the project.

lockout procedure

  1. general
  2. isolate
  3. de-energize
  4. verify
  5. record
  6. locking on
  7. return to service

1. general:
each worker is issued with personal locks and a single key. a supply of lockout trees, red and white lockout tags and white tagout tags, as well as brown mechanical locks is available. a central lockout log is located in the power house where all lockouts are recorded and given a unique lockout id number. there are also lockout stations in each building where the record sheets are kept.

2. isolate:
think before you act! write down the isolation and de-energizing points before you start. there are clipboards at each lockout station. notify any persons affected. shut down the machinery and isolate. lock with the operators personal lockout lock.

3. de-energize:
energy may still be trapped in the system. there may be energy in the form of pressure, hot water, gases, gravity, or springs. this would call for actions such as venting, cooling or flushing. there may be electrical charges or induction from high voltages which require the parts be grounded. there may also be chemical or radiation hazards.

4. verify:
check all valves, switches, vents and grounds. physically try to open /close switches and valves. try to start/energize the machinery. do not start work until you have proven that the machinery will not start from local and remote sources.

5. record:
use the id number from the central record book in the power house, on the lockout record sheet, on tags and in the building log book. record the lockout in the building log book. information should be written down on a lockout record sheet on the clipboard provided for in the building and kept at the lockout station in the building. the equipment/system should be identified by the operator including sub systems so all sources of energy and hazards are known. all isolation points, valves, switches, drains and grounding points should be identified and written down by the operator doing the shutdown and isolation. the normal and lock out positions should be recorded. as each point is isolated a red and white lockout tag is put on the isolating device. each tag must include operator's name, the lockout id and the date. return the record and the clipboard to the building lockout station. record in the central record book in the power house.

6. locking on:
each worker locking on to a lockout must check the clipboard record and ensure that the lockout is safe and that the operator's tags and locks are still in place. the worker will then add his/her own locks and tags to each lockout point on the list, sign and date the log book at the building station.

7. return to service:
workers will remove their locks and tags when the work is completed. the operator will ensure that the workers have removed their locks and tags. notify anyone affected. ensure that all guards are in place and all tools are removed. the operator is to ensure that the equipment is safe to re-energize. put all valves, switches and drains back to normal operating positions. record time, date and operators name on the clipboard in the building log and the central record in the power house.

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