health & safety procedure: first aid training and first aid stations
approved by: director, human resources
approved on: july 01, 2004
revised on:
to implement first aid training and first aid stations as required by the occupational health and safety act (ohsa), workplace safety and insurance act, 1997 and r.r.o. 1101/90, first aid
requirements of regulation 1101, first aid requirements
1. (i) a first aid station shall contain,
a) a first aid box containing the items required by this regulation; and
b) notice board displaying,
c) the board's poster know as form 82
d) the valid first aid certificate of qualification of the trained workers on duty, and
e) an inspection card with spaces for recording the date of the most recent inspection of
the first aid box and the signature of the person making the inspection
(ii) a first aid station shall be in the charge of a worker who works in the immediate vicinity of
the first aid station and who is qualified in first aid to the standards required by this
(iii) first aid stations shall be so located as to be easily accessible for the prompt treatment of
any worker at all times when work is in progress.
2. (i) a first aid box shall contain as a minimum the first aid items required by this regulation
and all items in the box shall be maintained in good condition at all times.
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and administrative units shall ensure that there are sufficient
employees from all workplace areas and on all shifts qualified in standard first aid and cpr.
2. training of all designated first aiders shall be the responsibility of the human resources
office – health and safety. costs for additional personnel who wish to be trained in first aid
shall be the responsibility of the department.
3. each university department/work shop shall ensure that first-aid kits;
are available in each building or area of a building and that the first-aid kits are
easily accessible
a) the number of first aid kits shall be determined by each department and/or work area
b) are available at each remote location where work is being performed
c) are available in each university vehicle or rental vehicle used for university business
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's emergency procedures and emergency phone number shall be
posted at the first aid station.
5. first-aid kits shall be inspected quarterly (if necessary) and maintained by the designated
first aiders who work in the vicinity the area.
6. first-aid kits shall be restocked as needed with items as prescribed by the regulation 1101
at the expense of the university.
7. once a year the health and safety administrative assistant will send out an inventory sheet
to each department's designated first aider. the designated first aider shall complete the
form indicating the status of the first aid kit.
8. the office of human resources, health and safety shall maintain an electronic date base
a) the location of all first aid kits
b) names of designated first aiders in each department
c) effective date of training and expiration date
9. the health and safety administrative assistant will schedule regular first aid courses and
contact designated first aiders who are scheduled for renewal.
this procedure shall be evaluated health and safety officer at least every five years.
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