workplace violence prevention program

阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is committed to providing a safe learning and work environment and maintaining a workplace that is violence free. this document formally establishes this commitment, which we will implement through our university workplace violence prevention program.

for additional inquiries please contact the office of human resources- health and safety at 807-343-8010 ext.8671 (thunder bay) or 705-330-4010 ext. 2011 (orillia).  in cases of immediate threat please contact 8-911 (thunder bay) or 3-911 (orillia).


workplace violence prevention program



employees and supervisors must be familiar with the workplace violence policy.  resources are available to assist in the recognition of violence, reporting procedures.


reporting procedures


workers who believe they have been treated in a manner that violates the policy are encouraged to report the situation:

  1. in instances where someone fears for their immediate safety, contact 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 campus security office at 8-911 (thunder bay) or 3-911 (orillia) and/or the local policing authority at 911
  2. to their supervisor, or if the allegation is against the supervisor, to a person in authority.
  3. complete a workplace violence reporting form and submit it to human resources – health and safety.



if a worker contacts you regarding an alleged case of workplace violence:

  1. promptly obtain first aid/medical aid for the worker as appropriate
  2. confirm that the incident has been reported to campus security office at 8-911 (thunder bay) or 3-911 (orillia), and the local policing authority at 911 if appropriate
  3. complete a workplace violence reporting form with the worker and submit to the office of human resources – health and safety within twenty-four (24) hours of the supervisor learning of the incident


emergency response

in case of an emergency, immediately contact campus security office at 8-911 (thunder bay) or 3-911 (orillia) and/or the local policing authority at 911. provide location and details of the incident. inform your supervisor and others in the immediate area as soon as able/possible.

campus safety office can also be contacted through:

  • emergency blue phones
  • mobile safety app can be downloaded here
  • elevator alarm buttons



all investigations into incidents or complaints of workplace violence shall be investigated immediately after the report is made. the investigation will gather the facts related to the incident or allegation so that the university can respond appropriately. investigation may involve management, local police or other appropriate parties.

any employee who has been a victim of workplace violence or is alleged to have engaged in workplace violence will be advised of the process that will be followed.  if the matter is being investigated and the employee will be provided with a fair process that will include an opportunity to meet with the investigator, an opportunity to respond to relevant statements made by the other party, and will be advised of the outcome of the investigation in a timely manner. please note that while employees have a right to be advised of the outcome of the investigation they will not generally be advised of the details of any sanction/remedial action against any other party.


assessment of risk of violence

the university will reassess the risk of workplace violence as often as necessary to ensure that the policy and program continue to protect workers from workplace violence.  the university will advise the joint health & safety committee of the results of the assessment and provide a copy if the assessment is in writing.


control the risk of workplace violence

identified risks & controls:

  1. working alone: working near others on campus and during regular business hours is preferred.  if you must work alone or after hours, please ensure you have your supervisor's permission to do so and are familiar with your department's policy on work alone or after hours.  use of the keep in touch service with security services is strongly encouraged.  orillia campus working alone onsite policy can be found here.
  2. travel to remote locations or hazardous regions: the university has a field work policy here.  prior to travel for university business, care should be taken to ensure undue risks are not taken.
  3. dealing with highly sensitive or controversial personal matters: the university has an established employee assistance program (eap) to aid employees in crisis.
  4. patrolling and responding to security conditions and providing protective services: on the lakehead campus’ regular patrols are conducted by campus security office. supervision of the card access system and video surveillance is conducted by the campus security office.
  5. dealing with unstable/volatile individuals: campus security office or the local policing authority should be contacted for support and assistance in dealing with unstable or volatile individuals who are violent or pose a threat of violence.



    • campus safety office: in situations involving workplace violence, all members of the university community are strongly advised to contact campus safety office 807-343-8911

human resources -

    can assist for access to the employee assistance program (eap)
    • employee assistance program (eap) - confidential counselling services for regular full time employees and their immediate family members. for more information go to the eap program
  • human resources - staff relations - for all non-academic staff
  • contact: 
ms sherry herchak  manager, employee and labour relations

807-343-8010 ext. 8356

uc 0003b thunder bay

additional information is available at the following websites:

ontario ministry of labour workplace violence and harassment
occupational health and safety act