people shaking hands

continuous safety services (css) program

a safety solution customized for your business

facility owners and operators are required to regularly maintain and repair electrical systems to ensure they are in safe working order. they are also required to ensure electrical work is done by qualified staff and/or licensed electrical contractors and that any necessary notifications are obtained to facilitate review of the electrical work by the electrical safety authority.


your safety obligations

business owners and operators have a responsibility to: 

  • create a safe work environment.
  • document all electrical work on electrical systems (including maintenance) in on-site record books. (see oesc rule 2-003, record of electrical installation work)
  • file a notification for all electrical work (including electrical system maintenance) with esa. this must take place before or within 48 hours of starting the work.
  • keep all operating electrical equipment in safe working condition. if it is defective, you must fix or permanently disconnect it. (see oesc rule 2-300 general requirements for maintenance and operation)
  • maintain regular records for all electrical maintenance work done at your facility. inspectors conducting regular safety audits in your facility need to see these records.
  • customers, businesses, homeowners, and licensed electrical contractors are all required to fix electrical deficiencies as soon as possible. under the css program, participants are also required to notify esa of the corrective action that is taking place within 30 days of the issuance of the defect(s). 

css inspectors have experience working with diverse business and industry interests. they regularly respond to the unique and special needs of our customers.


how continuous safety services can help you:

  • facility review: a visual inspection of your electrical system to identify hazards.
  • regular inspections: scheduled reviews of specific electrical maintenance activities
  • detailed inspection reports:a prioritized list of electrical defects your staff should address
  • dedicated electrical inspector: one-on-one support, information and guidance on electrical safety. a team of technical experts backs up a dedicated inspector, who gets to know your business
  • specialized training: esa delivers training specific to your business needs and regulatory requirements. electrical safety & code workshops can also build staff knowledge
  • streamlined approach: online logbooks and support reduce your code-related paperwork and inspections. you’ll need to join the program and get a user id and password to view the css on-line logbook.


more information about continuous safety services:


css on-line logbook

a user i.d. and password is required to view the css on-line logbook. contact css for more information.

contact css to join the program or for more information:

esa provides some types of electrical wiring work considered non-regulatory services. find out more about these services.