
inspections provide the most important way to reduce hazards in the workplace. both types of inspections, formal and informal, are vital.

formal inspections

conducted annually by members of the joint health and safety committee - labs and studios. areas inspected are all laboratory areas and lab offices. these inspections are required by the occupational health and safety act and specific procedures must be followed. any substandard conditions are noted and a list is sent to the head of the department. departments have twenty-one days to respond to the inspection recommendations in writing.

informal inspections

informal inspections are those conducted by area occupants and supervisors. it is strongly recommended that at the beginning and end of every day, the area occupants perform a quick walk-through inspection of their area to ensure that there are no visible hazards. this is the most effective way of reducing hazards, as area occupants have the knowledge to assess substandard conditions.

to assist supervisors meet due diligence requirements, a checklist has been developed for laboratory inspections, which can also serve as a record of inspection. a document has been developed to define some of the entries on the checklist.