offices and classrooms - november 16, 2020
start 1:00pm
elaine doiron (cope)
cindy haggerty (cope)
ursula macdonald (ex-officio member)
leslie malcolm (schedule ii mgmt.)
juan pernia (lufa)
sue viitala (schedule ii)
approval of agenda – approved.
acceptance of minutes (september 9, 2020) – approved.
outstanding business –
recertification: cindy completed her recertification training. she is a certified worker member on this committee as required by occupational health & safety act.
certification for management: a management member is still required to be certified. at this time during covid the training will most likely be online and it is a large time commitment as normally it is a 3-day course.
action: ursula will reach out to kamil to find out when the next online training session maybe available and pass that information to leslie, our management representative.
inspections –
tiffany and ursula have conducted covid-19-related inspections but no basic inspections. ursula is hesitant to have campus visits due to covid-19 and time was provided for the committee to share concerns. it was decided by the general consensus that the committee wait 2 weeks to see the status of covid-19 cases before conducting inspections in december. ursula comes on campus once a week. juan has opted out of inspections at this time.
cindy: if inspections are not done, how will this affect us? well, hopefully we can get them done soon and won’t have to be concern, although mol should be understanding that bringing people on campus when covid cases are rising is not a safe approach, especially to inspect closed buildings. the rpss committee members are inspecting these buildings this month.
action: ursula will find out the list of classrooms being used.
action: cindy will pull information from previous inspections made this year during her campus visit on november 17 to figure out what we have inspected this year.
injury and accident reports – none.
ergonomic assessments –none.
new business/open discussion –
lead abatement update from ursula: physical plant must set up a meeting with the school of nursing regarding the next area for the lead paint abatement. the only thing that is outstanding are a couple of classrooms and offices.
asbestos abatement update from ursula: ursula had a meeting last tuesday and the yearly asbestos audit is completed. the list of areas to be abated for next year is being updated by priority-sequence.
the wellness committee has a meeting on november 25th. the committee is working on a launch of the wellness program, which is to take place in january 2021 to coincide with mental health month. ursula is attending the meeting and will provide an update at our next meeting.
covid-19 updated from ursula: lakehead is developing a mobile application that will act as an active screening tool each time an employee comes on campus. the data that you input through this app will be sent to a designated person on campus. the application will be an add-on from the current lakehead mobile safety app, which will require downloading on your device. an alternate method is to tell your supervisor that you have no symptoms, for those without electronic devices. hillary, in security, has been working on this and has substantial knowledge of this app. the covid transition team is discussing this application tomorrow.
the northern ontario school of medicine is open for some in class instructions.
additional time was provided to discuss things that were not on the agenda such as student numbers.
next meeting – tentatively in december or january.
adjourned: 1:45 pm.