office and classrooms minutes - april 8, 2015

wednesday, april 8, 2015 - 10:30am
human resources office


employee members management members
cindy haggerty (cope)
sue viitala (schedule ii)

ursula macdonald (ex-officio member)


outstanding business

in order to recruit new members who might be interested in serving on this committee, the following was decided:

• tove will email schedule ii members to ask for:
a) an alternate for schedule ii and a management member
• ursula will also talk to laurie forbes from lufa with regard finding to a designate and alternate from faculty
• ursula mentioned the an accessibility website is being developed; this might take longer than planned due to tove's leaving.

2. inspections

the bora laskin building was done in december. the centennial will be done this summer, (4th floor has been done). the ryan building is finished. may inspections will include: braun building-2nd floor; part of main floor; basement, finish nursing, psychology, outdoor recreation; saunders fieldhouse.

3. injury and accident reports

since december 2014, there have been various injuries. in march 2015, there were two
critical injuries.

4. new business/open discussion

1. asbestos: a faculty member found a "clump" of something in her office and brought it to
physical plant. office was cleaned up and air testing was done; all was within
acceptable limits. admin assistants' office as well as other offices were also tested with
the same results. two holes in the cb were found and were plugged. it was suggested
that birds were getting in and disturbing the asbestos.
- visible asbestos is checked once per year;
- an asbestos training "lunch and learn" has been planned; true grit will be doing the
presentation regarding information on what to look for and how to handle if found.
- testing done in avila - dust above light fixture tested and was found to contain fibres;
true grit suggested area should be cleaned.

- top of glass case on 4th floor had sprayed on fire proofing containing asbestos; type 2
cleaning was to be done; shannon will take photos of the 4th floor and has taken pictures
of the ceiling; testing will be done on march 27.

2. squirrel: a worker has been experiencing a "squirrel" problem in her office. north west
pest control was called in to investigate. they know where it is coming into the office
but not the building. steve girvin, operations manager, inspected the vent along the
wall; holes might be underneath vent. ursula will follow up with steve.
will look for visible holes with shanon; inspect exterior walls when snow is gone; talk to
steve re: blocking off access to office via heat vents.

next meeting: end of may 2015
time: tba in hr meeting room
human resources meeting room

retail and physical support service minutes - november 19, 2015

thursday, november 19, 2015 - 9:00am
avila- physical plant meeting room

steve girvin, matt serino, rob mccluskey, stan nemec, brenda rojik,

hugh briggs, barb figus, mike davis, brian cox

time: 9:07 a.m.


old business:

a) the ryan building stairway, closest to the library is very cold. mostly the area from the 1st floor down. the housekeeping employee advised that once she washed the stairs ice formed on the stairs. she had to take a rag and physically wipe the stairs to prevent it from icing up. alex will put a work order in to check on the heater and see what can be done about this problem.

  • dec.18, 2014 -ursula will check with housekeeping in january when the real cold weather returns
  • oct.22, 2015 waiting for quotes to replace heating unit, traditionally trouble with the doors

may 29, 2014 - since it is summer now and last winter was especially harsh, this concern will be revisited in the fall/winter. should the same condition occur the only option will be to install a heater over the stairs?

jan. 15, 2015 -ursula spoke with housekeeping and they advised that it may not be the heater or lack of heat in that area but rather the fact that the doors (from the outside) don't close properly, especially if there is an accumulation of snow. steve gervin said that he will put a work order in to have the doors checked.

april 16, 2015 – steve will check on the door

b) asbestos update – remediation is occurring on annual asbestos abatement program. pulp lab in cb will be abated in december and some work in the old "junction"/post office" area will be done in january 2016. discussions on program for dusting is ongoing with housekeeping staff.

c) ursula advised that the whmis program will be replaced by ghs. we are looking at purchasing on online training program for the training purposes. ursula will speak more about this at the next meeting.

d) housekeeping – lighting by the library courtyard, cnfer and rc very low light levels and not pathway lights in that area. steve will ask security for any issues and price out the cost of installing some lights.

nov.19, 2015 -security did not respond to steve as of yet but the housekeeping member of the committee confirmed that indeed it is very dark in this area. someone suggested that it is possible that the lights at cnfer canopy are on a timer and go out when housekeeping staff are working. ursula will put in a work order to check to see if this maybe happening. pending results we may be looking at some other solutions.
w/o # 154202

4. steve send an email to lorne clifford re procedures to be reviewed re: threat at atac in september. first in should be emergency respondents not lu personnel.
nov.19, 2015 – a long discussion ensued and ursula advised that she will speak to lorne about the concern expressed by the mechanical group.

injury report;
no injuries to report.

near misses:
a grounds employee was removing snow on a wooden ramp leading to bb when his foot slipped and he jarred his knee. fortunately, there was no lasting injury and the employee returned to work immediately.

inspections outstanding;
• lot 5 house (mike & ursula)
• library (mike & ursula)
• physical plant building maintenance (steve & rob)

new business:

1. ursula spoke about ghs. it appears that in spite of the fact that ontario has not passed the ghs legislation some jurisdictions have, including federal gov't. as a result some manufactures have begun supplying chemicals with new labels and msds sheets. by law until the ontario gov't passes the new legislation the employer has until 2018 as a transition period. in spite of this, we have begun receiving chemicals with new information. ursula has one source ccohs website where training on ghs can be completed, it is an e-learning course. she will take the training and advise if it is something that others should be doing.

2. steve and matt will be taking jhsc certification training part 1 starting dec.8 to 10, 2015. this is a 3 day training course. they will then have to take part 2 of the training as soon as possible.

3. stairs between the rb and the library (outside) there are often bicycles locked to the stairs and at least once the handle bars were creating a tripping hazard. all concerns with bicycle traffic should be reported to security immediately.

4. steve reported that the floor in the power house is breaking. there are no vehicles allowed inside. the area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed.

5. a discussion was held in regards how the university (i.e. health and safety, security and the mechanics) respond to calls of "bad smells." ursula advised that bad smell calls have been more frequent this fall but only in one instance has the smell been traced to activities in the lab. ursula advised that although it is time consuming the mechanics are a crucial part of this process, as we rely on their expertise in terms of mechanical systems.

6. a power failure in the city a few days ago cause several buildings go to without power. 1294 balmoral was one of those buildings. it has been noted that the emergency exit lights are battery operated and the batteries last 20 minutes only. it appears that some employees did not leave the building when the power went out and were then leaving the building when it was completely black. ursula and steve will look into this concern.

7. a long discussion was held about how police and the administration responded to a recent threat against the university. some members of the university expressed their concern that although the police presents on campus was very visible the university did not issue any information until later in the day. ursula and steve g advised that they were told that this was done on purpose at the directive of the police. in these types of situations the university will always adhere to the guidance of the police.

meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.

next meeting: thursday, december 17, 2015 in avila – physical plant meeting room at 9:00 a.m.


retail and physical support service minutes - april 16, 2015

thursday, april 16, 2015 - 9:15am
avila - physical plant meeting room

ursula macdonald, steve girvin, brian cox, mike davis, barb figus, fred plank, matt serino

brenda rojik, hugh briggs, rob mccluskey, stan nemec


old business:

a) ursula also requested that physical plant have a look at a sidewalk which leads from uc/cb side door to lot 5. there is a section of the sidewalk by the canon that floods each spring/fall. grounds places wooden planks in the area as pedestrians are unable to cross due to water and ice. the sidewalk has been like this for many years and it really should be fixed.

b) the ryan building stairway, closest to the library is very cold. mostly the area from the 1st floor down. the housekeeping employee advised that once she washed the stairs ice formed on the stairs. she had to take a rag and physically wipe the stairs to prevent it from icing up. alex will put a work order in to check on the heater and see what can be
done about this problem.
• dec.18, 2014 -ursula will check with housekeeping in january when the real cold weather returns

may 29, 2014 – since it is summer now and last winter was especially harsh, this concern will be revisited in the fall/winter. should the same condition occur the only option will be to install a heater over the stairs?

jan. 15, 2015 -ursula spoke with housekeeping and they advised that it may not be the heater or lack of heat in that area but rather the fact that the doors (from the outside) don't close properly, especially if there is an accumulation of snow. steve gervin said that he will put a work order in to have the doors checked.

april 16, 2015 – steve will check on the door

c) physical plant projects;
prettie residence conversion is on hold due to minimal funding available, although some work continues, ongoing

d) a small fibrous material was discovered recently in a cb 4th floor faculty office. testing of the material confirmed that it contain asbestos. air quality testing was immediately completed. the testing was conducted in the office and an additional office was tested as requested by the occupant. the results came back negative. there were no elevated levels of asbestos in the air. the air quality report is readily available in the office of human resources for anyone who wishes to obtain a copy. it appears that the asbestos containing material may have been disturbed by birds, which have recently been flying in certain sections of the cb.

the university has taken the following measures to address these concerns;
• two spots on the outside of cb were repaired (a possible entry route for the birds)
• two more spots on the other side of cb were identified and will be fixed but this will require the assistance of a boom truck
• regular inspections of the 4th floor offices will continue with specific focus on ceilings
• asbestos awareness training and education campaign to take place in the new year
• random air quality testing throughout the cb maybe undertaken during the year as a precautionary measure

injury report;
there were no injuries in april.

near misses:
none reported this period.

new business:
no new business

inspections outstanding;

  • cb
  • avila centre (brian cox and a worker)
  • lu radio (rob and mike)
  • power house
  • atac

meeting adjourned at 10:12 a.m.

next meeting: thursday, may 21, 2015 in avila – physical plant meeting room at 9:00 a.m.


labs and studios minutes – january 21, 2015

wednesday, january 21, 2015 - 9:00am

k. bhatia, m. moore, t. moore, c. surette, j. sylvestre


1.0 agenda : approved
1.1 add 6.6 – erportal

2.0 review of minutes november 19, 2014: accepted (j. sylvestre, c. surette)

3.0 inspection report:
3.1 kin
3.2 chem eng
3.3 cardio lab
3.4 civil eng
3.5 mech eng – follow up with dean re: contractor safety
3.6 forestry

4.0 injury report
4.1 none

5.0 old business
5.1 phac compliance promotion visit – overall very helpful and cooperative.
5.1.1 biology teaching – minor physical deficiencies, corrected
5.2 lab decommission policy
5.2.1 submitted, awaiting approval

6.0 new business
6.1 electrical safety inspections
6.1.1 electrical safety inspector conducting inspections in labs. have completed basement and first floor of cb to date.
6.2 worker definition under the occupational health and safety act has changed. tiffany to contact mol to get clarification, and also look for any changes to wsib for these workers.
6.3 new mercury legislation – new regulations regarding manufacture or importing of mercury containing substances. tiffany has forwarded the bill to chemistry for input.
6.4 revised compressed gas policy – no additional changes suggested.
6.5 revised emergency eyewash/shower policy – no additional changes recommended.
6.6 erportal
6.6.1 c. surette wondering if msds could be uploaded to server, so would be available to all.
7.0 other business - none
8.0 adjournment: 9:50 am

labs and studios minutes – september 16th, 2015

wednesday, september 16, 2015 - 9:00am


e. searle, k. bhatia, m. moore, t. moore, p. alderson, s. girvin, c. surette, m. sorokopud, j. joncas, j. sylvestre

time commenced: 9:00am


1.0 agenda : approved (kb/es)

2.0 review of minutes may 20, 2015: accepted (jj/js)

3.0 inspection report:
3.1 phys – suspected asbestos-containing items found during lab cleanup. physical plant notified, and occupants reminded of asbestos reporting procedure to limit accidental exposure.
3.2 student health & counselling – re-inspection deferred to 2016; move to prettie residence complete.
3.3 biol – cb3005 new researcher is to move into this lab. 3005 was evaluated for residual radioactivity by mike campbell (tbrhsc) since previous occupant worked with h3 and i125. it was indicated that levels are very low, and a thorough cleaning of all surfaces would negate any hazard. other issues to be rectified before new occupant can begin work include: improper chemical storage and segregation, excessive clutter, expired chemicals and poor condition of storage bottles.

4.0 injury report :
4.1 geol - geology 4161 field school
● ankle sprain
● student wearing shoes with no ankle support
● footwear not addressed during prep talk
● medical suggestion for student to withdraw from course.
motion: the committee recommends a communication is sent to all departments directing them to review all field lab requirements for staff and student footwear. (js/es)
4.1.1 the committee may request information from departments concerning their review findings.

5.0 old business
5.1 animal handling
5.1.1 re-evaluate animal handling sops
5.1.2 letter referring to animal handling practices
5.2 eyewash policy/tags
5.2.1 ready for distribution
5.2.2 users should use dry-erase markers to for entries.
5.3 policy review status
5.3.1 laser policy reviewed and submitted for approval
5.3.2 whmis policy reviewed and submitted for approval
5.3.3 one policy review left for 2015
5.3.4 documents for policy review will be saved and shared via google docs to facilitate committee member commenting.
5.4 plumbing in civil eng
5.4.1 previous occupant of space created a sink drain that led to a damaged sanitary sewer cleanout.
5.4.2 cleanout cap was damaged.
5.4.3 physical plant to repair the cleanout cap, and the sink has been disconnected.
5.5 perchloric acid use
5.5.1 perchloric acid use is rare in universities due to the damage it can cause
5.5.2 ducting has been damaged from strong acid use it is unclear if there was damage from the perchloric acid, since other strong acids have been used in the same fumehoods. some perforation of the ducting potential for fume leaks
5.5.3 stainless steel ducting will be installed in areas with frequent strong acid use, to slow ducting corrosion.
5.6 fumehood certifications and repairs
5.6.1 hepa completed all certifications for 2015, with one repair.
5.6.2 some user confusion over 12" test height stickers and safe working height
5.6.3 users informed that safe working sash height is anywhere below the alarm point, due to the variable rate fans.
5.6.4 any fumehoods that do not pass safe levels are locked out.

6.0 newbusiness
6.1 biosafety cabinet certifications
6.1.1 24 units were certified in 2015
6.2 laser safety
6.2.1 new ansi standard
6.2.2 t. moore has requested a copy for our laser operators.

7.0 other business – none

8.0 adjournment: 9:50 am

9.0 upcoming inspections
9.1 visual arts
9.2 physics
9.3 biology
9.4 geography


labs and studios minutes – may 20th, 2015

wednesday, may 20, 2015 - 9:00am

e. searle, k. bhatia, m. moore, t. moore, p. alderson, t. sapic

time commenced: 9:05 a.m.


1.0 agenda : approved (mm/ta)
1.1 the committee welcomes e. searle (cupe), and thanks p. gaulthier for his service.
1.2 the committee welcomes t. sapic (luta/natural resources management)
1.3 the committee thanks d. vasiliu for his service.

2.0 review of minutes march 25, 2015: accepted (ta/mm)
2.1 clarification – letter to be drafted from 4.2.2 motion to 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 animal care committee. added to agenda item 5.2

3.0 inspection report:
3.1 luil – ceiling tiles need repair/replacement – w/o submitted
3.2 geol – cluttered space; obstructed eyewash
3.3 student health & counselling– no issues. facility will move to prettie residence building; a re-inspection will be done at that time.

4.0 injury report – none

5.0 old business
5.1 erportal
5.1.1 can now be used campus-wide.
5.1.2 t. moore will offer individual training to new users, as required.
5.1.3 only hazardous waste entered and marked in erportal will be picked up for disposal.
5.2 animal handling
5.2.1 p. alderson and t. moore observed luacf mouse handling training session.
5.2.2 training quality high. a video of the training will be posted to d2l for user refresher training. committee to review video once posted
5.2.3 puncture resistant gloves issued to facility manager for testing committee to review testing comments once received.
5.2.4 the committee will draft a letter referring the issue of animal handling, and potential restraints, to the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 animal care committee, as per the motion in 4.2.2 of the march 25th minutes.

6.0 new business
6.1 global harmonized system (ghs)
6.1.1 replaces workplace hazardous materials information system (whmis)
6.1.2 training module on d2l projected for december, 2015.
6.1.3 msds expiry will no longer be an issue; supplier to send any updated msds to purchaser.
6.1.4 transition period will be determined once a date is announced.
6.2 cl1 draft regulations/guidelines
6.2.1 similar format to previously released cl2 version.
6.2.2 comment period has ended
6.2.3 lu cl1 practices and guidelines will be revised once the official version is released
6.3 eyewash policy and tags
6.3.1 procedure/policy has been approved
6.3.2 permanent, reusable tags will be distributed
6.4 hazardous waste disposal procedure
6.4.1 motion: approval deferred until june 1, when final version is distributed to committee. final comments to be submitted to t. moore prior to june 1.
6.5 health and safety procedure – working safely with animals
6.5.1 motion: approval deferred until june 1, when final version is distributed to committee. final comments to be submitted to t. moore prior to june 1.

7.0 other business
7.1 new lufa representative – the committee will solicit requests for a new representative from lufa.

8.0 adjournment: 9:37 am

9.0 upcoming inspections
9.1 visual arts
9.2 physics
9.3 biology
9.4 geography


labs and studios minutes – march 25th, 2015

sunday, march 15, 2015 - 9:00am

p. gauthier, k. bhatia, m. moore, t. moore, c. surette, d. vasiliu, p. alderson, m. sorokopud, j. sylvestre, f. appoh,


1.0 agenda : approved
1.1 the committee welcomes p. alderson (management – animal users)

2.0 review of minutes jan 21, 2015: accepted (j. sylvestre, d. vasiliu)

3.0 inspection report:
3.1 chem eng – equipment logs, ppe
3.2 bri – training documentation
3.3 paleodna – no issues

4.0 injury report
4.1 luacf – mouse bite – no medical aid required.
4.1.1 discussion of ppe and handling methods available
4.1.2 motion: the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 animal care committee investigate the use of improved handling techniques, as well as potential chemical restraint, to ensure approved animal user safety.
4.2 student health and counselling – tripping with upper limb fracture.
4.2.1 placement of enviroshred bin with wheels out in aisle way.
4.2.2 reported to mol, but no resulting orders.
4.2.3 worker has returned to work.

5.0 old business
5.1 decommissioning lab policy review
5.1.1 presented to the executive team working group – approved.
5.2 new worker definition
5.2.1 no change with respect to wsib
5.2.2 mol inspector interpretation applies to senior undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 performing internships/thesis projects, graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 conducting research, and professional degree 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 taking part in practicum, clinical, and unpaid placements. 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 already treats all 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , volunteers, and employees as workers under the act. training documentation needs updating.
5.3 erportal msds
5.3.1 system admins can override msds for a user for a specific catalogue number.

6.0 new business
6.1 certifications
6.1.1 three (3) members newly certified for wsib level 1.
6.1.2 process for level 2 certification unclear with new program t. moore will check on next steps.
6.2 chemical security – dealt with under 6.4
6.3 oxide forming chemicals
6.3.1 disposal of old sodium azide inventory was very costly
6.3.2 current chemical disposal company is rejecting thf and diethyl ether at pickup
6.3.3 t. moore looking for new disposal contractor cost of thf disposal may still be prohibitive
6.3.4 at this time, limited use of thf is recommended.
6.4 chemical storage procedure review
6.4.1 updated language and addition of two issues for departments to address chemicals recommended to not be visible from public hallways areas where chemicals are store should be secured when occupants are absent. committee to review and submit comments to t. moore by april 10, 2015
6.5 biosafety policy review
6.5.1 updated government agencies and documents
6.5.2 section 5 needs rework to reflect current practices and requirements.
6.5.3 committee to review and submit comments for additional changes to t. moore by april 10, 2015.
7.0 other business - none
8.0 adjournment: 9:36 am
9.0 upcoming inspections
9.1 geology – c. surette, f. appoh
9.2 luil – j. sylvestre
9.3 visual arts – p. gauthier
9.4 physics – m. sorokopud
9.5 sh&c - tbd
