offices & classrooms january 2023

friday, january 6, 2023 - 3:30pm


joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee

office and classrooms



january 6, 2023.

start 11:00 am

room: uc – 0003i (hr meeting room)



cindy haggerty (cope)
elaine doiron (cope)

juan pernia (lufa)

ursula macdonald (human resources)



sue viitala (schedule ii)

  1. approval of agenda – approved


  1. acceptance of minutes (october 12, 2022) – approved with deletions. 


  1. outstanding business – the hangar/fieldhouse inspection scheduled for december 7th, 2022 was not possible due to scheduling conflicts.


  1. inspections –ursula offered to drive for the paci inspections.
    action: Élaine to send a doodle poll for the paci and hangar/fieldhouse inspections for february inspections.


  1. injury and accident reports – one case of a slip and fall at a europe conference.


ergonomic assessments – one so far for 2023.


  1. new business/open discussion – 

    1. process for new members: cope approves new jhsc members from cope. action: elaine to reach out to lori vidotto if she is still interested to join.

    2. upcoming events: wellness week is january 23-27.
      action: ursula will send details to the jhsc.

    3. ursula is working on a project reviewing the violence in the workplace policy.


  1. next meeting – looking to meet in april (either the 11th, 12th or 13th).

    1. action: elaine to send a doodle poll.


  1. meeting adjourned at 11:53 am.

offices & classrooms october 2022

wednesday, october 12, 2022 - 3:30pm


joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee

office and classrooms



october 12, 2022.

start 10:30am




cindy haggerty (cope)
elaine doiron (cope)

juan pernia (lufa)

ursula macdonald (human resources)



sue viitala (schedule ii)


  1. approval of agenda – approved

  1. acceptance of minutes (june 01, 2022) – approved as presented

  1. outstanding business – since the last jhsc meeting, Élaine has taken the jhsc certification courses over the spring. 


  1. inspections – the remaining buildings to inspect for the 2022 calendar year are the hangar and the paci building. 


  1. injury and accident reports –1 employee was injured in august, the employee was on a work related excursion and injured their knee requiring medical attention.


        ergonomic assessments – one in progress. there were about 4 overall in 2022.

  1. new business/open discussion –

    1. jhsc shared google drive folder: elaine, rename the file name for the june minutes (file name is showing as 2022-02 instead of june in file name). 


  1. next meeting – during december exams. Élaine to send out a doodle poll once the exam timetable is release on october 21st. jhsc is looking to meet in person for the final meeting of 2022.


  1. meeting adjourned at 11:00am

offices & classrooms june 2022

wednesday, june 1, 2022 - 3:30pm


joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee office and classrooms 


june 01, 2022

start 10:35 a.m.



elaine doiron (cope) 

leslie malcolm (schedule ii) 

sue viitala (schedule ii) 

ursula macdonald (ex-officio member) 


1. approval of agenda – 

moved: sue viitala 

seconded: jinqiang hou 


2. acceptance of minutes (november 22, 2021) – 

moved: leslie malcolm 

seconded: sue viitala 


3. outstanding business – none 

4. transition back to campus (air quality in buildings): upgrades have been made to  classrooms but not in offices. the air quality is monitored by physical plant and they change  filters at regular intervals. the 3 supporting documents are for information and are used by  physical plant but not for our committee when doing inspections. (three supporting  documents on the shared drive that were for june 2021 meeting but there are no june  minutes on file.) 

• 2022-02. supporting document for feb. meeting - conducting an iaq investigation • 2022-02. supporting document for feb. meeting - hvac and building inspection  survey 

• 2022-02. supporting document for feb. meeting - indoor air quality worker  concern survey 

5. inspections – the december 2021 inspections did not occur due to covid-19 cases rising  and the omicron variant. inspections are rescheduled to the spring, after april exams, and 

will depend on covid cases and government directives. any safety concerns for classrooms  or offices, please reach out to ursula. inspections are slotted for 2 hours and in that  timeframe, committee members try to visit as many classrooms and offices as possible. a  binder on google drive is available containing the checklist. 

action: committee volunteers to do inspections tentatively in may of 2022. 

6. injury and accident reports –two injuries were sustained in the lu parking lots. the injured  did not require medical attention. please exert caution when exiting your vehicle in winter  as well as walking in a parking lots (ex. black ice hidden under fresh snow). 

ergonomic assessments – only 1 or 2 request were made. 

7. new business/open discussion – 

7.1. training is available for health and safety representatives in this committee. jhsc  certification part 1 and effective workplace inspections are both offered virtually. a  budget is available to cover the costs. please check with your supervisors prior to  registering in any training. no make-up time is owed to your position while taking such  training as it pertains to your role as an employee. Élaine is looking into taking over  cindy’s role when she steps down next academic year and will need jhsc certified  member training to do this.  

action: ursula will send information to Élaine. 

7.2. the lakehead app armour has an upcoming update: the changes will be in effect over  the next few weeks. the lu app will redirect people to the government questions.  lakehead will not have access to your questions but will be able to see the badge upon  completion when an employee is asked to show it on their phone. this update is due to  the limitations of the app armour: it is limited to yes and no questions. the current lu  app also does not take into account the vaccines, or lack there of, of the person taking  the questionnaire.  

7.3. the committee discussed covid cases in general. please continue to wear your mask  when entering a building on campus, doing the pre-screening questions and the  completing the contact tracing spreadsheet. 

7.4. remote work policy is discussed by the lu administration at the higher levels. 

8. next meeting – may 2022. 

action: Élaine to send a doodle poll. 

9. meeting adjourned 11:15 am.


offices & classrooms february 2022

wednesday, february 9, 2022 - 3:30pm


joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee

office and classrooms

february 9, 2022.
start 10:30am
elaine doiron (cope)
jinqiang hou (lufa)
leslie malcolm (schedule ii)
sue viitala (schedule ii)
ursula macdonald (ex-officio member)

cindy haggerty (cope) due to technical difficulties with audio

1. approval of agenda –
moved: sue viitala
seconded: jinqiang hou
2. acceptance of minutes (november 22, 2021) –
moved: leslie malcolm
seconded: sue viitala
3. outstanding business – none
4. transition back to campus (air quality in buildings): upgrades have been made to
classrooms but not in offices. the air quality is monitored by physical plant and they change
filters at regular intervals. the 3 supporting documents are for information and are used by
physical plant but not for our committee when doing inspections. (three supporting
documents on the shared drive that were for june 2021 meeting but there are no june
minutes on file.)
• 2022-02. supporting document for feb. meeting - conducting an iaq investigation
• 2022-02. supporting document for feb. meeting - hvac and building inspection
• 2022-02. supporting document for feb. meeting - indoor air quality worker
concern survey

5. inspections – the december 2021 inspections did not occur due to covid-19 cases rising
and the omicron variant. inspections are rescheduled to the spring, after april exams, and

will depend on covid cases and government directives. any safety concerns for classrooms
or offices, please reach out to ursula. inspections are slotted for 2 hours and in that
timeframe, committee members try to visit as many classrooms and offices as possible. a
binder on google drive is available containing the checklist.
action: committee volunteers to do inspections tentatively in may of 2022.
6. injury and accident reports –two injuries were sustained in the lu parking lots. the injured
did not require medical attention. please exert caution when exiting your vehicle in winter
as well as walking in a parking lots (ex. black ice hidden under fresh snow).
ergonomic assessments – only 1 or 2 request were made.

7. new business/open discussion –
7.1. training is available for health and safety representatives in this committee. jhsc
certification part 1 and effective workplace inspections are both offered virtually. a
budget is available to cover the costs. please check with your supervisors prior to
registering in any training. no make-up time is owed to your position while taking such
training as it pertains to your role as an employee. Élaine is looking into taking over
cindy’s role when she steps down next academic year and will need jhsc certified
member training to do this.
action: ursula will send information to Élaine.
7.2. the lakehead app armour has an upcoming update: the changes will be in effect over
the next few weeks. the lu app will redirect people to the government questions.
lakehead will not have access to your questions but will be able to see the badge upon
completion when an employee is asked to show it on their phone. this update is due to
the limitations of the app armour: it is limited to yes and no questions. the current lu
app also does not take into account the vaccines, or lack there of, of the person taking
the questionnaire.
7.3. the committee discussed covid cases in general. please continue to wear your mask
when entering a building on campus, doing the pre-screening questions and the
completing the contact tracing spreadsheet.
7.4. remote work policy is discussed by the lu administration at the higher levels.
8. next meeting – may 2022.
action: Élaine to send a doodle poll.
9. meeting adjourned 11:15 am.

offices & classrooms november 2021

monday, november 22, 2021 - 3:30pm


joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee

office and classrooms

shared google folder



november 22, 2021.

start 11:00 am



cindy haggerty (cope)

elaine doiron (cope)

jinqiang hou (lufa)

leslie malcolm (schedule ii)

sue viitala (schedule ii)

ursula macdonald (ex-officio member) 


  1. approval of agenda – approved.

  2. acceptance of minutes (march 19, 2021) – approved.

  3. outstanding business – certification renewal is an 8-hour, instructor-led, that can be joined in anytime. school of nursing lead containing paint removal took place in the summer of 2021 there are only a few more areas left but those are primarily faculty offices.


  1. ursula to reach out to hugh regarding air sampling for asbestos. the university conducts additional air testing each year beyond what is required by law.  we may reconvene a group of employees to review where the next set of air testing should take place. 


  1.  ursula needs to update the 2021-22-member list.


  1. linda henderson has been hired to assist the wellness committee 


  1. adam shaen has left the university and the new avp of hr is roshni antony.


  1.  covid coordinator job posting ongoing.


  1.  in early november, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 not meeting covid vaccine requirements were cut from d2l; december 1st is the next reassessment. lu employees must continue use the covid-19 self-assessment on the mobile safety app before visiting campus each time. starting winter 2022, human resources is returning on campus and courses will be more in-person.

  1. ursula’s report: asbestos abatement is still ongoing and physical plant will have a new list of upcoming projects. the updated bathrooms across security are complete as well as the athletics building. the ryan building is undergoing heating and cooling system repairs. lakehead received a large donation of lysol wipes: you are welcome to submit a work order for free wipes through physical plant. masks are not required outside. 


  1. inspections – december 21st- 23rd is needed. action: contact ursula for those interested.

  1. injury and accident reports – tabled (ursula will send an email update.)

ergonomic assessments – 2 completed since march 2021.


  1. new business/open discussion – cindy and leslie are stepping down in fall 2022.


  1. next meeting – action: Élaine to send doodle poll in january (february date).

adjourned 11:40am


offices & classrooms march 2021

friday, march 19, 2021 - 3:30pm


joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee

office and classrooms

march 19, 2021.
start 11:00 am
elaine doiron (cope)
cindy haggerty (cope)
lindsay hedlund (guest)
ursula macdonald (ex-officio member)
leslie malcolm (schedule ii)
juan pernia (lufa)
sue viitala (schedule ii)

1. approval of agenda – approved.
2. acceptance of minutes (november 16, 2020) –
moved: leslie
seconded: sue
3. outstanding business – update on recertification from ursula.
4. inspections – inspections only done in labs and studios where people are working. no
inspections for offices and classrooms made due to lockdown and covid-19 cases: this will
continue until the lockdown is finished. no classrooms and offices are being used. inspections
will be needed in the summer.
5. injury and accident reports – one case of repetitive movement injury that led to surgery from
employee working from home: ta assisted with typing for instructor. a cope member pulled a
muscle while managing 150 archived files on campus and is receiving physiotherapy
ergonomic assessments – none.
6. new business/open discussion –
6.1. physical plant met school of nursing regarding abatement: lead paint is being removed in
the 1st floor bathroom and 2nd floor nursing classroom. during the spring and summer, work
will be done on another building: ursula is waiting for confirmation.
6.2. in fall, ursula would like to eliminate assessment areas and move to other areas.
6.3. an annual 2021 air sampling is taking place in 26 locations on campus in the cb, uc, and
rb. ursula is suggesting that the location of those 26 places should be reviewed in the fall.
perhaps we should be changing some of the locations where the samples are taking place.

6.4. action: in june’s jhsc meeting (offices and classrooms), the 2021-2022 member list will be
updated. maps will be shared to see what was already done and what is left to do with
6.5. someone else is going to take over the wellness committee: adam’s last day is may 7th.
6.6. mobile safety app is for anyone who is going on campus. it is to be completed before
coming on campus. a badge is generated and security can randomly approach anyone to
inspect their app badge. failed results on the app get sent to hr. employees must notify
their supervisor ahead of time and use a sign in sheet (supervisor approval required).
concerns were discussed regarding visitors who may not use app and not wearing masks:
the covid transition committee should be made aware.
6.7. return for the fall depends on the district health unit and provincial directive. lu is
upgrading technology to offer in person and online simultaneously.
7. next meeting – june 2021

rpss february meeting

friday, february 9, 2024 - 1:15pm

health and safety committee meeting
955 oliver road
date: feb.09, 2024
place: in person -physical plant meeting room
time: 1:10 p.m.
present: ursula macdonald, fred plank, steve girvin, steve elsey, tina falcigno,
hugh briggs, stan nemec
regrets: darren carlin, heather spivak
old business:
a. steve reported that the floor in the powerhouse is breaking. there are no
vehicles allowed inside. the area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger,
until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. there are no
updates at this time on this project.
nov.18, 2021 update – a design is being developed in anticipation of the project
going to tender
feb.24, 2022 – no change, feb.16, 2023 still no change, the area is blocked off
b. steve has advised that he is scheduling “driver training” for his staff. there
have been some unfortunate incidents recently with vehicles on campus. no updates
at this time. probably will wait till spring 2022
feb.16, 2023 since keith is no longer working at the university, steve advised that
they planning to have this training completed in the spring of 2023. security would
like to be part of this training as well.

c. greg croft the representative of the security team has raised two issues;
a) request for body armour (vests) – approved and samples have been ordered
b) request for training for the security team
injury report:
an employee was stung by a wasp in the eye, the wasp got caught under the
employee’s glasses. the employee’s eye swelled badly and the employee required
medical attention.
near misses:

new business:

no new business

inspections outstanding;

avila – ursula & heather
rural resources center – steve g and worker
balmoral street center
building maintenance
shipping and receiving
874 tungsten street

next meeting: april 18, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. physical plant meeting room

labs and studios - march meeting

wednesday, march 27, 2024 - 9:30am

labs and studios minutes –march 27, 2024


present:   j. sylvestre, t. moore, m. sorokopud, m. moore, j. miller, j. gao, c. hubbard

time commenced: 10:32 am by zoom

  1. agenda :  additions motion j.s  second c. h. carried.

  2. january 24, 2024 minutes –.  amendments motion j.s.  second m.m.  carried.


  1. injuries/incidents

    1. chemistry

  • student lab supervised by tas. aluminum block on hotplate, heated and hot after use. hotplate and block put on shelf hot. a student went to move the block and burned their hand. ta offered first aid, student declined and went to a meeting.  student returned and then was seen at er.  the department will be updating and expanding their ta safety training. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will be reminded to leave the hotplates plugged in at the bench. t. moore will ask teaching commons to clone the biology ta training site on d2l to help departments fulfill training needs and due diligence.

  • mechanical engineering

welding flashes and fumes mechanical engineering machine shop was observed from the hallway and a concern was raised. the lab has a shield in place to protect non-users in the area from the arc (it was in place), and the door must be kept open for safety reasons. the supplemental exhaust fan has failed and a replacement fan is being sourced.   the strong odour in the hallway was actually caused by grinding  work that was done before the welding activity.  until the new fan is installed, the back door will be opened while welding/grinding is being done to reduce the smell in the hallway. 

- engineering

concern was raised regarding paint smell in the far wing of centennial building on the 4th floor.  car team was painting the car frame in the structures lab.  they moved the work to the lot 5  research lab space.


  1. inspections


eyewash and safety shower. flammables cabinet corroded and needs replacement (materials require corrosive resistant cabinet). unlabelled chemicals stored in tunnels.


ppe use will require fit test for respirators.

recommended make an inventory of field test certifications/stickers in case the sticker is lost. 

improper storage of materials in diesel/gasoline cans.

out of date inspections to complete

chemistry/luel - m. sorokopud to inspect

nrmt/atrc - j. sylvestre and j. miller to inspect.


  1. old business

civil complaint - cutting silica samples. extra cleaning was done. review and sharing of sop for safe work is in progress. all current workers involved have been fit tested, and a new hepa vacuum purchased.

silica testing 

16 testing locations reduced to 6-7 due to change of procedure or consolidation by different groups that identified silica hazard. awaiting results to report to the committee.

cases smell

smell coming from basement research lab to the second floor administrative offices of graduate studies.  exhaust fan (and backup) has issues.  one fan is failing, but the system reporting did not flag the issue properly. the secondary fan is now in use full time to keep the fumehood exhaust working.  replacement fan motor on order, fan will be disassembled and repaired. all exhaust fan motors in cases will be inspected and serviced this year. 

  1. new business

    1. vet school update

  • first cohort will start sept 2025 at guelph campus

  • first year to start at lakehead september 2026

  • plan is to build a barn and utilize existing lecture/lab space

  • biosafety committee will oversee biohazard program and l&s will oversee laboratories in use


  1. adjournment:  11:40 am


  1. next regular meeting: april 24, 2024 10:30 am on zoom

labs and studios - january meeting

wednesday, january 24, 2024 - 9:30am



present:  s. girvin, j. sylvestre, t. moore, m. sorokopud, m. moore, s. zaker, j. gao, c. hubbard, a. diochon.

time commenced: 10:32 am by zoom

  1. agenda :  additions motion j.s  second c. h. carried.

  2. december 18, 2023 minutes –.  amendments motion j.s.  second m.s.  carried.


  1. incidents/accidents  - no injuries

    1. civil complaint

  • complaint made about concrete dust in space cb0038 on horizontal and vertical surfaces.  dust generating procedures in use.  respirator training unverified and will be offered. the excessive dust needs to be cleaned up safely using wet methods.    other issues found upon inspection include chemicals to be added to inventory,  eyewash station needs to be checked regularly, first aid kit to be updated.  update/discussion at meeting: materials might be silica and not concrete. s. girvin/t.moore/c.hubbard to reinvestigate following new developments. 


  1. cases smell

  • offensive smell continues in upstairs offices from the basement lab.  workers have had to make alternate work arrangements due to the strong smell several times.  pressure test conducted to confirm negative pressure for the lab space and adjacent graduate student offices.  the physical plant is waiting for the report.   upon further investigation or air handling, it was found that make-up air for supply of offices had closed dampers.  dampers were readjusted and the air clearing from offices should improve to clear offensive odours.


  1. cb smell

  • security called after hours about a smell coming from equipment outside cb3016. it was unclear whom security should contact.  it was normal use of equipment for mammalogy, but highlighted a need for accessible and current emergency contact information for equipment in public spaces. similar to lab signage, an equipment inventory with emergency contact information will be compiled and shared with security.

  1. inspections

    1. outstanding 2023  -  powerhouse, geology

    2. 2024 schedule 

  • members sign up for two inspections each to start. 

  • month of inspection in the spreadsheet

  • members should choose different departments than 2023.


  1. old business - no updates


  1. new business

    1. respirator program

  • respiratory safety course on d2l.  

  • no self-registration, contact to gain access.

  • information page under hr health and safety in lu website with eligibility or when respiratory protection is required. 

  • fit testing will be conducted by t. moore or a. white at cost.


  1. silica testing

  • waiting for po to be issued to schedule testing. 


  1. fume hood ducting

  • duct from adjustable valve to wall installed as galvanized.  most galvanized sections are corroding to various degrees, especially in the chemistry department.  no perforations at this time.  sections will be replaced by stainless steel on a priority basis.  picture will be added to inspector document so committee members will be aware of what to look for.


  1. x-ray device registration

  • ministry of labour - radiation protection division has asked for an update of all x-ray devices on campuses.  all devices must be registered with the h&s office.  email to go out to department chairs


  1. laser follow-up

  • esa conducted an inspection last year and identified several lasers and their power supplies that do not meet the certification requirements.  t. m. to follow up with physics and see what resolution they have come to.


  1. adjournment:  11:28 am


  1. next regular meeting: feb 28, 2024 10:30 am

labs & studios - november meeting

wednesday, november 22, 2023 - 2:00pm

present:  c. surette, j. sylvestre, t. moore, m. sorokopud, m. moore, a. diochon, g. oba, s. zaker

time commenced: 10:00am by zoom

  1. agenda :  no additions, j. sylvestre motion to accept  sz second carried.

  2.  july 26  2023 minutes – j. sylvestre motion to accept,sz second.  carried.


  1. incidents/accidents 

    1. luars - while unloading a wagon, worker was hit with the handle of a hay fork. safety boots and helmet worn. no eye protection, but not generally require for the work done.  no recommendations,

    2. anthropology - briefly unsupervised student doing necropsy, cut her finger on a clean scalpel (laid out the tools for work and inadvertently moved her hand into the scalpel). a tool tray could be used to keep track of tools while working so they don’t get missed while working. 

    3. biology -  mercury thermometer was in block.  thermometer was struck by user in the area, breaking the top of the thermometer.  mercury was contained within the bulb and did not spill.  t. moore to send out reminders to departments to replace if able, and use only when no other alternative is available.  

    4. biology - trichloroacetic acid spill bottle was picked up in a fumehood by the lid.  the lid was brittle, broke and spilled the contents on the floor.  user was wearing all appropriate ppe.  acid was neutralized and cleaned up.  t. moore to include not lifting bottles by lid in lab safety presentation, as well as periodic inspection of condition of reagent bottles/containers.  t. moore to send out email jan/feb to lab supervisors to update their inventory and check the conditions of their bottles/containers.

    5. cases - smell complaint (multiple) - release of offensive odours from the lab into surrounding offices. 

equipment working with toll oil boiling off acetone under vacuum.  the apparatus is exhausted to the lab fume hood.  the viscous fluid boiled over, so workers vented the vacuum system and opened the oven door releasing the odours to the lab.   the area in the lab has separate ventilation from the surrounding office, but workers repeatedly entered and exited the lab, causing mixing of the office air with the lab air.  users were instructed at inspection to remain outside the lab if they need to leave due to chemical/odour release.  users were instructed at inspection to put their fume hoods into emergency exhaust to help bring in fresh air to clear the smell faster.  workers were reminded that any release of bad smells or chemicals are to be reported to security, so that physical plant can increase ventilation of the building.   followup with the lab supervisor and workers: physical plant will see if dedicated supplementary ventilation can be added for the equipment; procedures to be checked to see if temperatures can be reduced, the system should not be vented, or oven door opened, until the unit is cooled down. 

  1. inspections

    1. engineering - one eyewash station with low water pressure

    2. student health and counselling - some lights burned out

    3. kinesiology - gas cylinders unsecured, with no cylinder cart for movement. inadequate ventilation for 3d printer. mix of technical repair workshop with graduate student office, leading to mix of food/drink/office and other hazards. some items addressed at time of meeting.

    4. nursing - temperature control of labs in the braun building  an issue for student comfort. 

    5. luars - extension cord altered, flammable solvents stored improperly, exits and fire extinguishers obstructed, food and chemicals stored together, combustible materials accumulated, general housekeeping needed.

  2. old business


5.1   gas policy update

no update

5.2 erportal upgrade

printer issue if you don’t have a label maker attached.  contact tiffany if you encounter any issues, take a screen shot if able.

5.3    respiratory protection program

program is live; training of individuals can start

5.4 silica program update

quotes for testing received, recommendations to be sent for funding


  1. new business

    1. phac visit results

munro facility officially removed from licence (the facility will need many updates to be compliant if it will be used again).

nosm to change autoclave sops and autoclave procedure.  these changes will be applied campus wide.

  1. llumin

  lab based reports can now be generated.  there is now a hyperlink that can be used while working in llumin to help you see what chemicals are there and access to sds.  the links will be on your inventory homepage.  waste request history from llumin will also be coming.


  1. adjournment:  11:17 am


  1. next regular meeting: dec 18, 2023 11:00 am
