labs and studios - january 2023
present: k. bhatia, c. surette, j. sylvestre, c. hubbard, t. moore, j. miller, g. oba, m. sorokopud
time commenced: 10:02 am by zoom
1.0 agenda : accepted without changes
2.0 december 2022 minutes – j. sylvestre motion to review via email and accept on january 26th, g. oba second.
3.0 incidents/accidents
3.1 gas regulator - update
documents to be reviewed at this meeting. cylinder was tested by the manufacturer and no defects
were found.
3.2 greenhouse eyewash - update
signage provided and technician asked to review location and operation with 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
who use the
4.0 inspections
bri, paleo, geology, science workshop, psychology, nursing, electrical engineering and powerhouse reports
natural resource management, and mechanical engineering were inspected but report discussion deferred to
the next meeting.
5.0 old business
5.1 erportal upgrade – nearly complete - no change in status
5.2 visual arts class 4 laser – installation of the exhaust is complete, training and final approval of sops in progress.
no change in status.
5.3 silica update
stantec was contacted for advice on the silica program. we will start with a survey to ensure no areas are
missed for silica exposure air sampling/risk assessment. committee reviewed survey form that will be sent to all
faculty/staff/chairs and deans in the science/engineering/nrm departments as well as grounds and visual arts.
5.4 gas policy update
policy changes were reviewed and no further comments made. policy will remain open to comments until the
end of day january 27th, then will be forwarded to the executive team for review.
lab safety slides were reviewed and one minor addition noted.
regulator installation checklist is included as an appendix to the policy.
6.0 new business
6.1 new manager of facility
joe benc has joined the university as facilities manager and will be joining our committee as plant alternate.
6.2 chemical waste pickup
lab personnel are reminded that waste must be logged into the chemical waste request system immediately
following its generation. this allows for pick-up of the waste to happen as regularly as possible. quite a bit of waste
was not taken this last pick-up due to a variety of reasons including three years of accumulated waste, time between
list generation and quotations being received and formatting issues with the waste reports. with the new software,
the report formatting issue should be resolved, and t. moore has some ideas to address more frequent pick up of
“easy” waste, allowing speciality pickups to occur less frequently.
6.2 inspections in 2023
we will continue with having committee members arranging inspections at their convenience throughout the
year. t. moore will post a list to the jhsc google drive with department assignments, room listings and the previous
year’s inspection report. members are reminded to inspect all offices associated with labs, as that is part of our
6.3 lab coat cleaning
lab coats can be sent for laundering with an outside company. contact stephanie marcinowsky to arrange.
7.0 adjournment: 11:20 am
8.0 next meeting: tba