labs and studios - december 2022

wednesday, december 7, 2022 - 9:30am

labs and studios minutes –december 7, 2022


present: k. bhatia, c. surette, j. sylvestre, s. girvin, m. moore, a. diochon, c. hubbard, t. moore, j. miller. t king, f. appoh

time commenced: 10:02 am by zoom

  1. agenda :  accepted without changes 


  1. july 2022 minutes – j. sylvestre motion to accept, c. surette second.  carried.


  1. incidents/accidents


  1. gas regulator

committee discussed an incident where a gas regulator was expelled from an oxygen cylinder after opening the main valve.  an inspection of the regulator found that the locking nut had a mechanical failure and sheared off.  there were no injuries and a minor dent in the drywall where the regulator had struck.  mechanical failure of this component can be caused by a defect in the part, over-tightening or a combination or over pressure in the cylinder, malfunction of the main valve.  the supplier arranged to test the cylinder, and will be reporting back with their findings.  a survey of other safety departments had never had similar incidents.  ultimately, the investigation was unable to determine the root cause.   as a result of the incident the compressed gas policy will be reviewed at the next meeting, lab safety training will be expanded to provide additional safety information on compressed gasses and appropriate tools, a checklist for installation of regulators to be developed and a notice sent to all departments using compressed gasses to alert them to the incident and changes.


  1. while measuring the growth of plants in the greenhouse, a student noticed irritation in their eye after rubbing it and used the eyewash station in cb for relief.  the student felt that they may have gotten something in their eye, but wasn’t sure.  student went to er as a precaution, but the irritation cleared up within 2 hours.  eyewash station was provided in greenhouse and was accessible, but the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 were unaware of the location and were working without a ta or technician nearby.  committee suggests better signage and that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are properly orientated to safety equipment in the greenhouse prior to using the space unsupervised.


  1. inspections


visual arts, chemical engineering, kinesiology, civil engineering, physics, atrc, luars and luel were inspected and the inspection reports reviewed.  several departments are outstanding and members were assigned to inspect them before the end of 2022 if possible.


  1. old business

    1. erportal upgrade – nearly complete

    2. visual arts class 4 laser – installation of the exhaust is complete, training and final approval of sops in progress.


  1. new business

    1. mol proactive visit

inspectors visited on december 1 and discussed the requirement for a silica control program.  some areas of campus may be at risk of exposure.  regulations and guidance documents have been received and are being reviewed.  committee to review the requirements at the january meeting.

  1. lab cleanliness/housekeeping

some members reported inconsistent housekeeping service in labs and washrooms in our science buildings.  when service is needed, please put in a work order and if service continues to be inconsistent, please follow up with the housekeeping manager directly.

  1. adjournment:  11:20 am

  2. next meeting: tba