rpss - september 22, 2022

thursday, september 22, 2022 - 9:15am

date:  september 22, 2022

place: in person & zoom - physical plant meeting room

time: 1:00 p.m.


present: ursula macdonald, stan nemec, fred plank, chris schooler, darren carlin, steve girvin, tina falcino, steve elsey


regrets: shannon foster, hugh briggs, greg croft, heather spivak


old business:


a.        steve reported that the floor in the powerhouse is breaking.  there are no vehicles allowed inside. the area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed.  there are no        updates at this time on this project.

nov.18, 2021 update – a design is being developed in anticipation of the project going to tender

feb.24, 2022 – no change


           b.         steve has advised that he is scheduling “driver training” for his staff. there have been some unfortunate incidents recently with vehicles on campus. no updates at this time. probably will wait till spring 2022

         feb.24, 2022 – keith is working on arranging the training



c. greg croft the representative of the security team has raised two issues;


a)    request for body armour (vests)

b)    request for training for the security team


sept.22, 2022 ursula has advised that she has been copied on an email dated sept.21, 2022 from supplier to lorne indicating the price for the vests.


d. greg croft asked about a checklist for security for newly appointed guards who are on patrol.  greg advised that there is a checklist for guard in the office but none for guards on patrol. ursula asked greg to be discuss this with his supervisor about what a checklist would look like and what it would include.

may 20, 2022 – ursula asked greg to send her an email with some topics he feels should be covered, and in addition ursula with reach out to frank/hilary to discuss what this checklist should include.

e. fred recommended that numbers (i.e., 1, 2, 3 etc.,) be placed on every blue emergency phone that is locate outside, on the university property.  this way when someone calls due to an emergency, security will ask for the number and will know exactly where this particular emergency phone is located. fred had a conversation with a security member who was very supportive of the idea. ursula will follow up with security operations supervisors.


e. updates from physical plant;


-four (4) bathrooms in the bora laskin are slated for a complete renovation; the work began in september and it is anticipated to last through at least the winter.


-sixteen (16) electrical vehicle chargers will be installed in two different locations on campus (main parking lot behind the library and atac.) this project is nearing completion.


- fred plank was advised to reach out to brian shott and keith macmillan respectively for tsc employees to join physical plant in the upcoming training; asbestos, respirator, defensive driving. – ursula to check with brian shott.


-the parking lot with the sink hole will be fixed soon although it will have disruption to pedestrian traffic



injury report:


a) tsc employee injured their back while performing odd/awkward tasks connecting cables. the employee had one day off work and seems to have recovered well.


near misses:





new business:


1.  darren spoke about the roof over kinesiology department in saunders field house.  he would like us to advise the housekeeping (contract employees) to change the wet towels and buckets more frequently as it may be a cause for mould growth if not changed often.  steve advised that the roof is getting fixed asap this fall.


2.  members of the committee wanted to thank the university for the two wellness days this year. it was especially appreciated by the employees who were need to be on campus throughout the entire pandemic.





inspections outstanding;


                                    university centre

                                    building maintenance – steve & buddy

                                    paci – ursula & heather            



meeting adjourned: 1:58 p.m.



next meeting: october 20, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.