labs and studios - july 2022
present: m. moore, j. sylvestre, t. moore, a. diochon, s. girvin, k. bhatia,
time commenced: 10:02 am by zoom
agenda : accepted without changes (mm/sg)
minutes: accepted without changes (ad/sg)
ela - 6x6 on trail, supervisor and passenger driving/riding and towing boat. front cowling flipped up into the driver's vision, and while attempting to safely stop, the atv crashed and occupants thrown from the vehicle.
minor scratches noted
goose egg was found the next day, and the student was seen by a doctor, diagnosed with a mild concussion.
questions from the committee:
were there seatbelts?
was there a rollbar?
were circle checks done (do they include cowling check)?
training on equipment?
what was the speed?
follow-up discussion to incident: does the committee have sufficient expertise to evaluate field work incidents/safety. topics included.
ad hoc committee
separate jhsc for field matters
current size of committee
frequency of field incidents
at this time, field incidents are at a manageable level and we have sufficient field expertise on the committee to review accidents etc. in a subcommittee, reporting findings back to the main committee. t. moore will make revisions to terms of reference to expand committee scope to include field. revised terms will be reviewed at the next meeting.
chemistry - regular eyewash and shower inspections, or obstructions. some bottle labels not legible. tripping hazard.
anthropology- regular eyewash checks, obstructions.
outdoor recreation - canoe storage rack needs repair. online chemical inventory required.
luars - switch cover needs replaced, floor lifting/trip hazard, fire extinguishers out of date and need remounting, half mask respirators need fit test.
old business
structures lab update. fork lift training has been completed and a forklift sop submitted for review. will be reviewed by members with forklift experience. t. moore to send out.
science workshop water infiltration from satellite conduit.
engineering has agreed to have cables cut, so water infiltration can be remedied.
new business
adjournment: 11:00 am