labs and studios august 2021

friday, august 27, 2021 - 9:30am

present: m. moore, j. sylvestre, t. moore, c. hubbard, g. oba, t. king, m. sorokopud, r. wilkie, k. bhatia, 

time commenced: 10:02 am by zoom

  1. agenda :  accepted without changes

  2. minutes: accepted without changes 


  1. incidents/accidents

    1. none


  1. inspections

    1. deferred to september meeting


  1. old business

    1. return to campus

      1. vaccine policy: at executive team, expect first week of september.  no attestations - valid proof will be required.

      2. supplies: paper towels - recommended spill kits are kept with a roll of paper towels in case of situations where the dispensers run out and a spill occurs.  cb biology paper towel dispensers getting installed next week.  paper towels are now ordered via work order.  hand sanitizer dispensers may not be installed in labs. handwashing should be encouraged in labs instead, especially due to chemical hazards that might be present.

      3. masks: exemptions listed on posters - we can make masks mandatory, but current exemptions apply.  we can advise them that masking is mandatory, but if an exemption is claimed, then the claim is taken at face value.  distancing of unmasked 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 can be required by instructors, but 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 requesting to work with unmasked 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 is allowed, but not required.

      4. screening: not likely for vaccination status. checking for badges prior to lab/class start is fine and prudent.  if there is no badge to show (no app or no phone), then asking screening questions prior to entry/participation is a valid option. flagged screening = no participation. 

      5. contact tracing: attendance list to be required for contact tracing.  tbdhu will contact h&s or university administrative contact.  contact tracing lists will then be requested for submission.  format not standardised.

      6. ventilation: using recommendations from u of t.  do not have provincial directives. air handlers are now on extended operation to increase fresh air. 2 hrs prior to opening, plus 2 hours after building close.  filtration in process of upgrade to merv 13 from merv 8. some areas (air exchange deficient) will have hepa air purifier units installed, e.g., braun, atac. focused on areas of congregation. units with low noise and low accessibility for public tampering selected. goal is 6 air changes per hour, minimum is 3 changes per hour.  cb has high air exchange rates due to the large number of fumehoods, but cb measurement ongoing to confirm each lab/classroom. if any fumehoods are user controlled, they should be left operational 24/7.  due to design, cb has better than merv 13 filtration in most areas.

      7. general cleaning: increased staffing. details of cleaning protocols not finished.might include fogging.  


  1. .

  1. new business

    1. new member - the committee welcomes ryan wilkie

    2. the committee thanks johane joncas for her many years of service and contributions to the committee.

  2. adjournment: 10:52am 

  3. next meeting: sep 29, 2021 10am