labs and studios - october 2020

wednesday, october 7, 2020 - 12:00pm

labs and studios minutes –october 7, 2020


present: m. moore, m. sorokopud, k. bhatia, j. sylvestre, a. diochon, t. king, f. appoh, t. moore, c. hubbard,

time commenced:     9:21 am by zoom

1.0               agenda :  accepted without changes


2.0               incidents/accidents


2.1            a worker was harvesting flax using a sickle.  the sickle slipped and the worker sustained a cut to the hand.  worker was wearing rubber gloves.   recommendation that work gloves (preferably leather).


2.2            a small garbage fire was discovered following a lab in the first year chemistry lab.  a student has disposed of a chemical (likely sodium borohydride) in the garbage can despite being given explicit instructions not to do that.  technician immediately used a fire extinguisher to put the fire out and reported to security.


3.0               covid – ministry of labour


t. moore presented an update on ministry of labour inspector presentation to covid committee.  a new flow chart has been created to clarify what ppe requirements are when workers must work within 2m of each other or another person.  the supervisor’s information sheet has also been clarified regarding ppe and expanded instructions for what to do if a worker becomes ill at work, or is returning to work after recovering from covid 19.


a new covid- h&s page has been created as a landing point for all information.  t. moore will send out the url to everyone to review the information on that page.


4.0               inspections


inspections are to be resumed.  if any member of the committee is uncomfortable with returning to campus to conduct inspections at this time, please contact t. moore so she will not schedule you for an inspection.


5.0               other business


k. bhatia reported that squirrels are getting into centennial building offices.   work orders have been issued, but the squirrels are still coming in.  t. moore asked for the last work order to be forwarded to her so she can look into it.


6.0               adjournment:  9:41 am