offices and classrooms

wednesday, september 9, 2020 - 10:30am


elaine doiron (cope)

cindy haggerty (cope)

ursula macdonald (ex-officio member) 

leslie malcolm (schedule ii mgmt.)

juan pernia (lufa)

sue viitala (schedule ii)


  1. approval of agenda – approved. 


  1. approval of minutes (may 15, 2020) – approved as corrected.

  1. outstanding business –

  1. transition working group: this new group was created to represent cope and faculty. labs and safety group was also created. adam is our connection to the transition committee.

action: leslie will send the email copy of the response received regarding the logistics inquiry for the re-opening of the campuses for fall course delivery.  

  1. online training opportunities for cpr: cpr training is running through st. john’s.

  2. cindy who is our certified –jhsc member has been registered for a one-day recertification-training course in november 2020.

  3. sick leave discussion: friendly reminder to stay home if your are not feeling well.

  4. fieldhouse: outside construction is complete. october or november is the estimated time of completion for the inside construction. 

  5. wellness advisory committee:  it is moving to senior administration. 


  1. inspections –tiffany and ursula have been inspecting washrooms, the centennial building and the university center building.  list of classes being used unavailable at this time. 

action: ursula will follow up with the list.


  1. injury and accident reports & ergonomic assessments – none


  1. new business/open discussion –


  1. asbestos abatement and lead paint:  all asbestos has been removed for the calendar year. audit is completed. school of nursing lead paint removal in hallway is finished.  there are other school of nursing lead paint sections that are pending removal: bathrooms and second floor. mr. bhatia’s (mechanical engineering lab) flooring has been replaced. the old floor was stained from years of use and the tiles contained asbestos.  this was a big project which required moving many heavy machinery in order to get to the floor.


  1. a new list of projects for next year will be provided once the audit is reviewed and recommendations for removal are made.  ursula will update the committee when she is made aware of the projects list.

next meeting: to be determined.


adjourned 11:25 am