retail and physical support service - january 16, 2020

thursday, january 16, 2020 - 9:15am


place: avila - physical plant meeting room

time: 9:07 a.m.


present: heather spivak, ursula macdonald, stan nemec, greg croft



regrets:  hugh briggs, brian cox, rob mccluskey, larry kempe, fred plank,


old business:


       a.        steve reported that the floor in the power house is breaking.  there are no        vehicles allowed inside. the area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger,          until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. jan.21, 2016 steve            advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal   year. 

                        nov. 15/18 – steve advised that jack posts will be installed under the floor to provide the necessary support.



b.        security has raised the issue of soft body armour again. ursula advised that this matter had been raised on and dealt with on two separate occasions including a special jhsc meeting for this purpose. the outcomes of these meetings have been articulated to security including the director of the department.  at this point the committee has advised that the request be noted in the minutes as having been raised again. 


           c.         heather advised that shipping and receiving department is moving to tungsten street very soon. steve spoke about having to check on the furnaces at tungsten regarding the exhaust vent outside. ursula asked about carbon monoxide detector(s) for the area. 

           d.         steve has advised that he is scheduling “driver training” for his staff. there have been some unfortunate incidents recently with vehicles on campus.


e.          ursula has asked steve about reviewing the lock out/tag out procedure.


injury report:


  1. building maintenance (nov.) – the admini assistant slipped and fell on ice, suffered an injury to her head. off work for 6 weeks.


2.   grounds (dec.) – employee was entering a cube van, when the knee buckled under the employee, the employee suffered 3 days of lost time.


near misses:





new business:


1.         hskp. staff expressed concern about recycling bags being too heavy to lift.  ursula advised that if the bags are too heavy the employees will need to split the recycling into another bag. ursula will speak to stephanie so that she can communicate with her staff.



inspections outstanding;


  • braun building – rob and steve
  • centennial building – stan and heather floors 3 & 4 outstanding
  • building maintenance


next meeting:    thursday, february 20, 2020 in avila – physical plant meeting room at 9:00 a.m.