labs & studios - april 17, 2019
present: a. diochon, t. moore, m. sorokopud, s. girvin, c. ross
time commenced: 9:06 am
1.0 agenda : approved.
2.0 review of minutes : march 20, 2019 – approved
3.0 inspection reports:
electrical engineering
- engines to be guarded
- couple of non-certified devices
- burnt receptacle
chemical engineering
-unlabelled jugs
-come cluttered spaces
-eyewash stations not being checked weekly
-chemical inventory on paper only, not online
civil engineering
-unlabelled bottles
-some cluttered and very dirty spaces
4.0 incident reports: none
5.0 old business:
5.1 cb 3035 blocked exits – furniture has been removed from cb 3034 and 3035 now has access to both exit doors.
5.2 injury stats – presented and discussed. 2015-2019 segment to be normalized for grad 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and plotted by year to see if there is a correlation. all new incidents discussed by committee will be assigned standard root causes as well as recommendations made to avoid issue in future, to make the tracking easier to manage. – deferred until may meeting
5.3 mol/whmis 2015 – stickers of the pictograms have been purchased to assist. a memo to go out to departments
5.4 new reps
committee welcomes cristina.
5.5 fume hood decontamination
use of strong mineral acids in cb has corroded the fan boxes on the roof of centennial building that were recently decontaminated. further work is required to repair some intake dampers. the parts have been ordered and will be installed during the may electrical shut-down. all the other fans will be inspected at that time.
5.6 noise from compressor
steve is working with kailash to schedule the move of the compressor. in the meantime, kailash has been advised that he and his 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 must wear hearing protection.
6.0 new business:
6.1 cb 3037
the best solution to provide more controlled access to this lab is to have the doors re-keyed. three doors can be done. this will require the occupants to keep the door to their prep hall closed and locked when no one is in the lab. security, physical plant and human resources are reviewing the key policy.
6.2 chemical waste
contract will be awarded shortly. pick-up will be a different format this time, with items in the same hazard class to be collected and packed sequentially. this method will necessitate only having one item on each waste request as opposed to many using additional line items. tif to issue memo to users shortly and revise manual.
7.0 adjournment: 9:28 am
8.0 next meeting: june 19, 2019