labs & studios - march 20, 2019

wednesday, march 20, 2019 - 9:00am
ac 147

present: c. surette, a. diochon, m. moore, t. moore, m. sorokopud, j. sylvestre, k. bhatia

time commenced:     9:06 am

1.0   agenda :  approved.


2.0   review of minutes : january 16, 2019 – approved


3.0   inspection reports: biology/atrc

-          phone not working

-          inventory on paper only

-          clutter

-          chemical leaking from bottle, repeat from 2 years ago

-          eyewash checked and supply was hot

-                  eyewash test procedures updated and distributed widely


-          phones not working in a couple locations

-          room numbers missing

-          eyewash needed?

-          lights not working

-          coat rack obstructing electrical panel


-          eyewash stations and showers overdue for checks

-          new ew and ss record tags needed

-          first aid kits require signage

-          unlabelled chemical


-          emergency shower test overdue

-          eyewash station records illegible

-          unlabelled containers

-          clutter


4.0            incident reports:

4.1   visual arts

4.1.1   exhaust fan in kiln room failed and exhaust from firing was accumulating due to the lack of ventilation.

4.1.2   work order submitted and issue corrected. 

4.1.3   no injuries or property damage.


5.0            old business:

5.1   cb 3035 blocked exits – tif went to investigate and is trying to determine who “owns” the space to determine what changes can be made.  dean is aware of situation and working on a solution.

5.2   injury stats – presented and discussed.  2015-2019 segment to be normalized for grad 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and plotted by year to see if there is a correlation.  all new incidents discussed by committee will be assigned standard root causes as well as recommendations made to avoid issue in future, to make the tracking easier to manage.  – deferred until april meeting

5.3   mol/whmis 2015 – we are still waiting for direction from university’s group regarding labelling.  in the meantime, tiffany and debbie p (chemistry) have been updating sdss, and cleaning up the system.  an updated whmis 2015 training program has been purchased and is now installed and available on d2l. a universal, annual whmis expiry date, to assist training tracking, was discussed.


statement from cou regarding the labelling issue has been received. 

committee recommends that lakehead approach will be to place a whmis 2015 compliant workplace label on bottle with old labels, and if outdated whmis symbols are on the product, they will be replaced with current whmis pictograms.


5.4                   new reps

                                              eric will be leaving the committee in march.


              5.5          fume hood decontamination

use of strong mineral acids has corroded the fume hood ducting in cb 0021 and cb 2029.  perchloric acid was also used in these spaces, which necessitates a complete decontamination of the fume hoods and ducting from the roof down in order to safely dismantle the ducts.  this work will be completed during the break week and will require a shut down of all fume hoods that are supplied by two fans.  occupants will be notified as soon as the dates are scheduled and signage will be placed on all affected fume hoods.


                                work is complete.  perchlorates were measured in the samples taken, but were not found to be high.                                                full decontamination of the ducts was not possible due to leaks, but enough work was completed to                                   make any future work safe.


6.0   new business:


6.1   workplace violence policy review

committee made some suggestions to expand definition and provide contact information to training section.


6.2   noise from compressor

        kailash measured 97 db.  there is a plan to move the compressor to an uninhabited area, but it has yet to be scheduled.  tiffany will follow up with steve.


6.3   field safety

orpt has brought in a speaker on preventing fatalities in outdoor research.  amanda and tiffany will be meeting with him as well to speak about field safety initiatives.

further discussion on bringing in mnr worker that was attacked by a predatory bear.  tiffany will check on availability.


7.0               adjournment: 9:48 am

8.0               next meeting: april 17, 2019