labs and studios - january 16, 2019

wednesday, january 16, 2019 - 9:00am
ac 147

present: c. surette, a. diochon, e. searle, m. moore, s. girvin, t. moore

1.0   agenda :  approved. addition of 6.5 chem waste


2.0   review of minutes : october 17, 2018 – approved


3.0   inspection reports: none


4.0            incident reports:

4.1   biology

4.1.1   student was using a mason jar to heat a mixture of formalin and sugar on a hot plate.

4.1.2   the thick bottom of the jar cracked, and when lifted to take of heat, broke and spilled the mixture inside the fume hood.

4.1.3   student was unsure of the location of sds in the lab and unfamiliar with how to clean up.

4.1.4   student located a technician to clean up the spill.

4.1.5   ppe was being worn at the time of the incident.

4.2   biology

4.2.1     student using screwcap bottle on hotplate to dissolve and boil media.

4.2.2     bottle cap may have reseated.

4.2.3     bottle cracked violently, spilling media over hotplate causing the media to burn.

4.2.4     no injuries from glass or media.

4.2.5     ppe was worn at time of the incident

4.3   anthropology

4.3.1     small vial of ethidium bromide missing from lab.

4.3.2     lab is shared between two departments/supervisors

4.3.3     locks now placed on cabinets for certain chemicals.


5.0            old business:

5.1   cb 3035 blocked exits – tif went to investigate and is trying to determine who “owns” the space to determine what changes can be made. 

5.2   injury stats – presented and discussed.  2015-2019 segment to be normalized for grad 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and plotted by year to see if there is a correlation.  all new incidents discussed by committee will be assigned standard root causes as well as recommendations made to avoid issue in future, to make the tracking easier to manage.

5.3   mol/whmis 2015 – we are still waiting for direction from university’s group regarding labelling.  in the meantime, tiffany and debbie p (chemistry) have been updating sdss, and cleaning up the system.  an updated whmis 2015 training program has been purchased and is now installed and available on d2l. a universal, annual whmis expiry date, to assist training tracking, was discussed.



6.0            new business:


6.1   new reps

6.1.1     eric will be leaving the committee in march.

6.1.2     tricia has left the university and committee will invite the rvt to join.

6.1.3     steve will have the services supervisor act as his alternate.


6.2   lab signage

6.2.1      new format for lab signs was presented.  first building to be issued will be cases, as they have yet to be issued signage.  laboratory layouts will be on each sign, but have to be drawn lab by lab.  half of cb basement has been completed, but remaining will postponed to complete cases.


6.3   needle pick-up training

6.3.1      there has been another incident of used needles being left out on the university grounds.  tiffany created some pick-up kits and provided training to housekeeping, grounds and security personnel so they can safely take care of future incidents.


6.4   fume hood decontamination

6.4.1     use of strong mineral acids has corroded the fume hood ducting in cb 0021 and cb 2029.  perchloric acid was also used in these spaces, which necessitates a complete decontamination of the fume hoods and ducting from the roof down in order to safely dismantle the ducts.  this work will be completed during the break week and will require a shut down of all fume hoods that are supplied by two fans.  occupants will be notified as soon as the dates are scheduled and signage will be placed on all affected fume hoods.


6.5   chemical waste

6.5.1     waste that has been entered into the system before january 6, 2019 will be included in the next hazardous waste pickup.  the list is currently with the service providers for quotes.  tiffany doesn’t expect the pick-up will occur before the end of february.


6.6   keys and access

6.6.1     discussion around old lab/office keys not being returned, and issues around lab and office access.



7.0            adjournment: 10:08 am

next meeting: february 20, 2019