labs & studios - july 18, 2018
labs and studios minutes – july 18, 2018
present: h.forsyth, p. alderson, s. girvin, c. surette, m. moore, m. sorokopud, w. gao, e. searle
time commenced: 9:03 am
1.0 agenda : approved. additions added: temperature in chem stores/solvent room & fume hood certification
2.0 review of minutes : may 16, 2018 - approved
3.0 inspection reports:
3.1 outdoor rec – no issues
3.2 nrm – test showers every 6 months, test eye washes weekly, remove extension cords, propane tank stored in lab
3.3 atrc – no issues
3.4 baf – no issues
3.5 bri – get rid of cardboard boxes, unlabelled chemicals, chemicals stored alphabetically
3.6 paleo – eye washes leak after use
4.0 incident reports:
4.1 biology
4.1.1 one student working with nitric acid and hydrochloric acid and another working with salicylic acid in the same lab at different times
4.1.2 both 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 used a fume hood to work with the chemicals that was turned off for asbestos abatement
4.1.3 the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 breathed in acid fumes and became light-headed/felt funny
4.1.4 the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 moved the acids to a working fume hood in a different room and did not return to the room with the non-working fume hood until the fumes had subsided
4.1.5 signs warning not to use the fume hood were put up on all fume hoods that were affected by the asbestos abatement
4.2 paleo
4.2.1 technician was autoclaving old samples containing biological materials and hazardous chemicals
4.2.2 technician grabbed the freshly autoclaved bag out of the autoclave and the contents containing hazardous chemicals fell out and spilled on the floor
4.2.3 technician reviewed the msds and attempted to clean the spill using kitty litter
4.2.4 the technician inhaled the fumes of the chemicals and felt light headed
4.2.5 the technician reported the spill to security
4.2.6 security advised technician to evacuate building and called the fire department
4.2.7 the fire department cleaned the spill and it was disposed of
4.2.8 jhsc recommendations: chemicals are not to be autoclaved, but should be disposed of as hazardous waste. in the event of a chemical spill, if the spill is isolated (ie. inside the lab and small volumes), the spill can be covered with absorbent material. the lab can be evacuated and physical plant can be contacted to increase ventilation in the area. once increased ventilation has occurred for some time, the lab can be re-entered and the spill can be cleaned up and stored in a fume hood. additionally, a second container should be used for the autoclave bag to transport it out of the autoclave. n95 respirators can be purchased.
5.0 old business:
5.1 natural gas training overview
5.1.1 hard to teach a smell – gas scratch n’ sniff cards available at hr
5.1.2 our protocol is appropriate – when natural gas smell is called in, security attend to call and ask a series of questions to determine if it is actually natural gas.
5.1.3 if they believe it is natural gas, security will pull fire alarm and evacuate the building.
5.1.4 fire department will deal with the situation.
5.2 whmis changeover requirements and erportal training
5.2.1 whmis changeover requirements scheduled for july 30th at 10 am in atac 3004
5.2.2 erportal training scheduled for july 23rd at 10 am in atac 3004
5.2.3 committee is encouraged to pass on this information to colleagues or anyone they think may require training
6.0 new business:
6.1 cb 3035 blocked exits
6.1.1 this lab only exits into other lab spaces.
6.1.2 one exit is through cb 3037 which is deadbolt locked, another exit is through the prep hallway and the 3rd exit goes through a door to cb 3034
6.1.3 there used to be a hallway between cb 3037 and cb 3035 but over the years, it was removed.
6.1.4 committee members discussed solutions: one solution being to permanently open cb 3034 to cb 3035 by removing the door and the other option being to reinstate the hallway that was removed.
6.1.5 h. forsyth to contact the fire department to determine whether one room can exit through another room.
6.2 temperature in chem stores/solvent room
6.2.1 cooling coils are not repairable for roof unit on a section of the cb
6.2.2 chem stores is located within the area affected and experienced increases in temperature
6.2.3 concern was raised that there may be damage/degradation of chemicals
6.2.4 portable air conditioners have been brought to the area
6.2.5 the air conditioning system compressor failed in the solvent storage room
6.2.6 temperature has remained constant due to air handling system turning over the air
6.2.7 replacement air conditioning system has been ordered
6.2.8 as a precaution, diethyl ether was moved to alternate lab flammable cabinets on campus
6.3 fume hood certification
6.3.1 two fume hoods, one located in cb 2051 and the other in cb 3028 failed their certification testing
6.3.2 physical plant is looking into the issue, the units passed last year and may need air dampers adjusted
7.0 adjournment: 9:52 am
next meeting: september 19th 2018