labs and studios - july 19, 2017
1.0 agenda : add 3.1 baf, move old 3.1->3.2/3.3; add 4.1 mva ground hog damage
2.0 review of minutes : accepted
3.0 inspection report:
3.1 baf - inspection notes lost; inspection will need to be re-done
3.2 outdoor recreation
3.2.1 kayaks still hung from steel beams in ceiling. department told to remove kayaks in 2016. beams were not designed for rigging, but for roof support. fireproofing damaged from kayak loading/unloading awkward process for one person to raise and lower kayaks - should be a two person job, but only one person assigned to warehouse.
3.2.2 department reminded to remove kayaks and ropes prior to re-inspection
3.3 geology
3.3.1 mostly electrical cord issues damaged outer insulation, or cord end repair needed
3.3.2 shelving recommended anchoring at time of inspection building maintenance determined anchoring not required.
3.3.3 unlabelled chemicals
4.0 injury/incident reports - no injuries
4.1 fire testing lab ground hog damage
4.1.1 ground hog accessed furnace
4.1.2 area soiled and furnace fireproofing damaged; insulation pulled out and spread around
4.1.3 housekeeping lead inspected area for cleanup student found with p-100 respirator cleaning up kiln insulation. student advised housekeeping lead that the insulation material was hazardous and required p100 respirator h&s manager investigated and found minimal damage. no further actions required.
5.0 old business:
5.1 lab safety operating procedures review
5.1.1 call for final comments
5.2 irc
5.2.1 emails sent to deans
5.2.2 t. moore received new contact list for departmental graduate student coordinators will contact coordinators mid august and first week of september for student list
5.2.3 gsa has been sending out training notices no increase in safety training attendance noted
5.2.4 lakehead international still to be contacted
5.2.5 mol supplied english and french training modules to incorporate into our online course system.
5.2.6 t. moore working with mol and service canada to relocate training workbooks with multiple language support.
6.0 new business:
6.1 chem waste pickup
6.1.1 waiting for companies to respond to waste inventory and pricing.
6.1.2 t. moore has sent reminder that we are in need of waste pickup.
6.2 erportal update
6.2.1 new update (dec 2017/jan 2018) will include mobile support
6.2.2 excel spreadsheet template for upload has been supplied
6.2.3 new update will support ghs conversion of old entries can be done, but lu must supply conversion information for each class.
6.2.4 url for each sds will be supported and required for inport.
7.0 other business: none
8.0 adjournment: 9:35 am