labs and studios minutes - march 22, 2017
meeting minutes
time commenced: 9:04 am
1.0 agenda: add 4.2 geology incident
2.0 review of minutes january 25, 2017: accepted
3.0 inspection reports – schedule april 5: discussed and accepted
4.0 injury report –
chemical engineering incident: hotplate left on over the weekend and something melted to the top. committee suggested that supervisor ask for weekly reports detailing what experiments each member completes daily for the past seven days to be used as a reference in case of equipment damage.
geology – undergrad student was found boiling 30% hydrogen peroxide on the benchtop. ppe was not worn, msds not provided, chemicals provided by another faculty member. supervisor was not in town and had not authorized experiments. student had not received new hire orientation. tiffany to follow up with geology.
5.1 yearly stats: report and graph were reviewed.
5.2 terms of reference review: some minor changes. tiffany to complete revisions.
5.3 whmis policy, one minor typo. h&s policy, no changes needed.
5.4 cb sinks. water is back on for cb 2021, but sink is still leaking. cb 0038. plant has a solution and is working on getting sink and hot water installed to the lab. cb 1016 reported as being rotten out as well.
6.1 erportal training – two sessions delivered so far. next one is may 2 10-11 am at 3003.
6.2 whmis position – funding was not awarded for this position. tiffany will be scheduling a whmis information session in early may to go over the changes required for compliance.
7.0 adjournment at 9:59 am. next meeting: may 17, 2017.
in attendance:
- tiffany moore
- eric searle
- michael moore
- clarence surette
- jarrett sylvestre
- johane joncas
- mike sorokopud
- amanda diochon
- baoqiang liao
- wa gao
- kailash bhatia