labs and studios minutes – december 2016

friday, december 9, 2016 - 9:00am

present:           e. searle, m. moore, t. moore, c. surette, j. joncas, m. sorokopud, t. alderson, k. bhatia, w. gao, b. liao, a. diochon

time commenced:     9:02 am

1.0   agenda : add 6.1 cb loading zone, add 6.2 floor damage repair process/cost

2.0   review of minutes : accepted (c. surette/ a. diochon)

3.0   inspection report:

3.1   mechanical engineering followup – eyewash tag required

3.2   psychology – pinch point for bb1067 door handle

3.3   nursing – panel partially obstructed, cleared at inspection

3.4   student health & counselling – multiple fire extinguishers status should be checked

4.0   injury report : no injuries

4.1   incident – helium  cylinder removed from chem eng.

5.0   old business:

5.1   whmis 2015 transition – t. moore is talking to individual departments

5.1.1         transition to be completed before december 2018

5.1.2         most suppliers shipping with ghs labels and sds

5.1.3       until all previous whmis labels are replaced, each lab will need to complete both whmis and whmis 2015 training.

5.1.4       committee discussion – hire someone on contract to help with the transition in various labs?

5.2    erportal

5.2.1         monthly training session coming soon.

6.0   new business:

6.1   lab security – discussion of doors found unlocked and some materials missing or vandalized.

6.2   cost of floor repairs – mechanical engineering

6.2.1       replacement involves complete removal of machinery, floor, subfloor, and a repour of concrete

6.2.2       the project falls outside of physical plant discretionary funds

6.2.3       vp administration and finance has the authority for funding and has been approached.

6.3   mobile safety app

6.3.1         contains information found in flip chart and more

6.3.2         will only push notifications if:    lockdown    evacuation     

7.0   other business: none

8.0   adjournment:  9:45 am