labs and studios minutes – september 2016
present: t. moore, a. diochon, j. sylvestre
time commenced: 9:07 am
1.0 agenda : approved
2.0 review of minutes : accepted july 22, 2016 minutes.
3.0 inspection report:
3.1 chemistry
3.2 kinesiology
3.3 orpt
as we are on schedule to be finished inspections in early november, a list of a coded hazards will be distributed to members of the committee to follow up on in december, to ensure that they have been resolved completely.
4.0 injury report :
4.1 field school – student failed to see a hole in the trail, stepped in and fell. knee was banged on a rock. deep bruising only. appropriate footwear was worn, and would not have prevented the injury. lighting was optimal. committee has no recommendations.
5.0 old business:
5.1 chem stores vault fan – fan has been upgraded and sensor has been re-seated in the area of air-flow. no false alarms since. there are still some items to address, removal of a timer on the alarm circuit, addition of a light to the alarm to remain active when alarm is silenced. some discussion whether dampers would be needed in case of fan failure.
5.2 asbestos committee – update deferred
5.3 field work training documents
5.3.1 field trainee document available for review. a general sop similar to the lab safety operating procedures to be created and training sessions for faculty offered in march 2017? t. moore to schedule meeting with field safety committee to work out the details.
5.4 floor tiles in cb0010 still outstanding
tiffany to contact the department and dean. it’s her understanding that plant is prepared to work on the floors once approvals in place.
6.0 new business:
6.1 whmis 2015
there was a glitch that was interfering with certificates of completion being released. in order to fix it in the short term, a standalone quiz was created.
6.2 biosafety cabinet certifications
biosafety cabinets will have their annual certifications inspections september 26-27.
6.3 annual hazardous materials training
physical plant is offering training for interested parties from the committee in november (2 full days). this will cover asbestos and respirator training, but will also touch on mercury, mould and lead.
6.4 safety series lectures
jarrett suggested an online webinar series as a resource for the committee. tiffany to look into whether the webinars would line up with our meeting schedule.
7.0 next inspections: 9:00 am october 5, 2016. rsvp
8.0 adjournment: 9:57 am