joint employee-management occupational health & safety committee office and classrooms

friday, august 5, 2016 - 10:15am
hr meeting room



employee members                                                                   management members

cindy haggerty (cope)                                               leslie malcolm, director (cedl)

shanon arnold (schedule ii)                                                                     

deli li (lufa)

laura rovere (schedule ii)                                                                 regrets

sue viitala (schedule ii)


ursula macdonald (ex-officio member)


1.         outstanding business


a)  shanon spoke about asbestos audits.  the 2016 list from the 2015 asbestos audit is now being created and once that is completed, the work will begin in the 2016/2017 fiscal year.

aug.05, 2016 – no new updates shanon is continuing to work on the list.


b)  the 2016 asbestos audit is still on going.  shanon proceed to explain to deli and laura how the asbestos audit works and what it is exactly as they were not clear on the process.

aug.05, 2016 – the audit is ongoing. the contractor is physically on campus for this purpose.


c)  ursula spoke about wanting to organize a wellness fair sometimes in the fall that is geared toward the employees. ursula requested that employees speak to their respective units and email their suggestions as to the kind of services the employees would like to see at the fair.


2.   inspections


  • next inspections for: 
  • residence offices, ryan building, braun building,
  • greenhouse, paci, nursing building, lot 5 research
  • library, field/hangar


3.  injury and accident reports


  • library employee – a book cart began to flip over and a large book fell onto the employee’s foot.  the foot swelled and it was sore.  the employee went to er a week later as the foot was still very sore and mushy where the book fell. (medial aid.)


  • external affairs – while travelling on business the employee’s foot was run over by a taxi. fortunately, the employee was fine and did not require medical attention.


ergonomic assessments; 


so far this year, (end of july) we have had 16 ergonomic assessments completed with many purchases of new chairs, keyboard trays and some other small items.


4.   new business/open discussion


1.  chris brassard. office of human resources made the following presentation;


bill 132 (sexual violence and harassment action plan) received royal assent on march 8, 2016. as a result, there are obligations for employers (and universities specifically) related to the harassment and sexual harassment.

there are 2 policies that need to be updated - our harassment & discrimination policy and procedure (for september 8, 2016 implementation) and updates to our sexual violence policy (for january 1, 2017 implementation).

the focus of the presentation to the jhsc is the updates required to the harassment & discrimination policy. this policy is to apply to staff and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .

the following updates are to be made by september 8, 2016:


1) ohsa’s definition of “workplace harassment” is being expanded to include (a) engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or (b) workplace sexual harassment. the amendment also specifically notes that a “reasonable action” taken by an employer or supervisor relating to the management and direction of workers or the workplace is not workplace harassment. 


2) the bill requires a review of the policy and procedures annually.  


3) employers must provide training and instruction to their workers on their workplace harassment policy and program.


4) we need to update our policy to reflect current prohibited grounds for example gender identity, etc. 


an updated policy was circulated to the various jhscs. the items noted above were updated as well as updating the policy to confirm compliance with both the ontario human rights code and the ontario health and safety act. further, the position "harassment and discrimination coordinator" was updated to "director, human rights and equity."

the policy was previously drafted with language relating to the investigation process and training. this as a responsibility is anticipated to rest with the director, human rights and equity. hr may assist with this process.



2.  it was confirmed that the following persons were;

management chair – leslie malcolm (director, cedl) and shanon arnold as the worker chair.  the committee also spoke about having some members attend the next available certification training which now takes 5 (five) days. ursula will check and advise the committee members of time and dates.


3.   ursula advised that physical plant will begin testing dust for asbestos content in cb, uc and ryan building.  as part of the review undertaken by pinchin the university will test various locations for asbestos content in settled dust.  hugh would like 2 members from each jhsc to volunteer to be a part of sub-committee which will then make recommendations on locations for testing.  pinchin has recommended testing at least 3 areas per each air handling unit. members interested in being on the sub-committee please contact ursula.


4.   as everyone is aware work on one stop has begun. part of the ceiling in the finance office has asbestos. a concern has been raised that vibrations from the construction above (in the one stop) is shaking/loosening asbestos in the ceiling of finance. the university has undertaken daily air quality and thus far there are no concerns. all air quality reports are available from physical plant or hr/hs for a complete review. all copies of reports are shared with finance as they become available.


5.  ursula provided the committee with copies of a letter from dr. lionel catalan regarding a safety concern he has raised about the ceiling in front of his office.  as the committee had many questions and wanted to focus entirely on the letter a special meeting of the committee was called for wednesday, august 10, 2016




next meeting:    end of september, date to be determined

                            time:  10:00 a.m. in hr meeting room

                            human resources meeting room