labs and studios minutes
present: e. searle, m. moore, t. moore, c. surette, j. joncas, j. sylvestre, m. sorokopud, t. alderson, f. appoh, k. bhatia
time commenced: 9:01 am
1.0 agenda : none
2.0 review of minutes : deferred
3.0 inspection report: deferred
4.0 injury report : none
5.0 old business:
5.1 chem stores vault fan – update deferred.
6.0 new business:
6.1 field work safety – dean of humanities requests to add committee member. work ongoing
6.2 housekeeping instructions – labs without instruction signs will not be cleaned.
6.3 hpta – application submitted, and we are awaiting review; considered compliant until notified otherwise.
6.4 muffle furnace in biology – current ventilation unsuitable and the unit requires a fume hood.
6.5 new health & safety training course
6.5.1 now self-enrolment
6.5.2 self-select appropriate stream based on position on campus
6.5.3 only appropriate material is revealed, based on chosen stream.
6.5.4 non-l akehead personnel can get username from cedl.
7.0 other business: none
8.0 next inspections:
8.1 paleodna – kb/mm
8.2 geology – js/cs
8.3 instrumentation - tbd
9.0 adjournment: 9:24 am