office and classrooms

friday, january 22, 2016 - 9:00am
hr meeting room

jan.22, 2016

human resources office



employee members                                                                     management members

cindy haggerty (cope)                                                               shanon arnold (schedule ii)

leslie malcolm (schedule ii)

ursula macdonald (ex-officio member)



sue viitala (schedule ii)

deli li (lufa)


1.         outstanding business

a.         pleased to announce that we have worked with an occupant of cb office who has                              agreed to remove many, many things out of his office so that his original, in a very poor                           condition carpet be replaced.  this too will take place during the month of december.

b.         there have been issues with mice in ryan building.  one of the occupants of the                                building has noticed that a screen in her office window has been torn.  ursula urged that                          the employee put a work order in asap just in case that is how the mice got in.


2.   inspections        

  • regional centre – complete
  • university center – complete
  • atac – 5th,4th and 3rd floor complete
  • fieldhouse completed – dec.2015
  • next inspections for:  balmoral street centre, 1954 balmoral st., avila, atac, sn, bn, bl, oliver rd (psychology house), cb


3.   injury and accident reports   


            ergonomic assessments; 

            so far this year, one ergonomic chair was purchased for a coach in the fieldhouse.


4.   new business/open discussion


next meeting:    march

                            time:  10:00 a.m. in hr meeting room

                            human resources meeting room