retail and physical support service

thursday, january 21, 2016 - 9:15am
av physical plant meeting room

present: steve girvin, matt serino, stan nemec, fred plank, hugh briggs

regrets: mike davis, brian cox, rob mccluskey, brenda rojik


old business:

       a)        the ryan building stairway, closest to the library is very cold.  mostly the area      from the 1st floor down. the housekeeping employee advised that once she washed            the stairs ice formed on the stairs.  she had to take a rag and physically wipe the stairs to prevent it from icing up.  alex will put a work order in to check on the heater        and see what can be done about this problem.

  • dec.18, 2014 -ursula will check with housekeeping in january when the real cold weather returns
  • oct.22, 2015 waiting for quotes to replace heating unit, traditionally trouble with the doors

january 21, 2016 steve explained that the weather stripping on the bottom of the stairs has been changed and it appears that this has helped with this situation. the heater is also working fine. stan advised that he has had no concerns with the area either unlike in previous year.  ursula will check with housekeeping but perhaps this issue is now resolved.

b)        asbestos update – remediation is occurring on annual asbestos abatement program.  pulp lab in cb will be abated in december and some work in the old “junction”/post office” area will be done in january 2016.  discussions on program for dusting is ongoing with housekeeping staff, as per hugh briggs.

            the cb work is completed, the junction/post office area is almost complete.

            c)        housekeeping – lighting by the library courtyard, cnfer and rc very low light levels and not pathway lights in that area.  steve will ask security for any issues and price out the cost of installing some lights.

            nov.19, 2015 -security did not respond to steve as of yet but the housekeeping member of the committee confirmed that indeed it is very dark in this area. someone suggested that it is possible that the lights at cnfer canopy are on a timer and go out when housekeeping staff are working.  ursula will put in a work order to check to see if this maybe happening.  pending results we may be looking at some other solutions.

            w/o # 154202

            the work order revealed that a breaker which supplied power for the lights under the canopy was shut off. the breaker was been reset which should now provide sufficient lighting in this area.  ursula will check with housekeeping to confirm that the lights are working and the situation has been resolved.

            d.   steve send an email to lorne clifford re procedures to be reviewed re: threat at atac in september. first in should be emergency respondents not lu personnel.

            nov.19, 2015 – a long discussion ensued and ursula advised that she will speak to lorne about the concern expressed by the mechanical group.

            hugh has spoken with lorne and according to lorne our employees when faced with this type of situation have every right to say no to the police officers.

            e.  ursula spoke about ghs. the ontario legislation has now been passed.  ursula will updated the committee more about this at the next meeting including any updates on training.

            f.  steve and matt have completed jhsc certification training part 1. part 2 of the training as soon as possible.

             g.  steve reported that the floor in the power house is breaking.  there are no vehicles allowed inside. the area is cornered off with signs advising of the danger, until such time as a decision is made how the floor will be fixed. jan.21, 2016 steve advised that this project will be put on a list of capital projects for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.


injury report;

no injuries to report.

near misses:

none during this period

inspections outstanding;

  • library  (mike & ursula)
  • forestry garage & greenhouse (matt & stan)
  • university centre (rob & mike)
  • paci (fred & steve)


new business:

1.  matt advised that at times radios do not work in paci especially in the basement/chiller room.

one way to address this problem is to install a hard wired phone.  steve will put in a ticket

have a phone installed in this area.

2.  hugh advised of the following projects;

  • one stop initiative – the first priority to move all current occupants to allow for asbestos abatement in the area
  • cnfer – the current occupants will be moved out by march 31, 2016. after that the space will undergo some work and the new place will be referred to as cases (center for advancement for studies in engineering and sciences.)
  • elp (english language program) – will be vacating the space in paci but at this time no alternate location has been selected

3.  hugh advised that a list from the 2015 asbestos audit will be complied in the next month or so.  this list identifies areas with highest priority for asbestos abatement.  any work from this list will start in the new fiscal year (may 01, 2016.)

4.  the asbestos management program at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is under review. an external consultant has been hired.  the consultant has visited the campus and will write his report based on information gathered.  this review was initiated by the office of the president and as such it will be shared with the senate and all other parties involved.  the consultant hired to undertake this work is pinchin environmental.

5.  ursula reminded everyone that a while ago she send a copy terms of reference for the committee. she has requested that members of the committee please read the document before the next meeting so that we can review them and update as needed.

6.  hugh advised that阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 physical plant has determined that removing all or part of a false ceiling to obtain access to a work area in the cb, uc or rb buildings is likely to have asbestos containing materials lying on the surface of the false ceiling.  this is due to the age of the spray fire proofing material that has been used in cb, uc and rb.  ontario regulation 278/05 asbestos table 2 stipulates which type of respirator is required to be used upon the work category.  for the work described above an air purifying full-facepiece respirator with n-100, r-100 particulate filter is required. for further clarification please review the attached excerpts from the regulation. please also review the entire regulation. two attachments with the information will be provide with these minutes on this subject.


meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.


next meeting:    thursday, february 18, 2016 in avila – physical plant meeting room at 9:00 a.m.