labs and studios meeting minutes - march 2016

friday, march 11, 2016 - 9:00am
at 3004

time commenced:     9:02am

1.0   agenda : approved (es/cs)


2.0   review of minutes december 9, 2015: deferred


3.0   inspection report:

3.1   deferred until next meeting.


4.0   injury report : injuries reported in

1)      visual arts (cut hand, fainting), no recommendations

2)      visual arts (fainting), no recommendations

3)      chemistry (chemical splash to eyes):

  1. written notice to supervisor reminding of the liability should contraventions continue
  2. document all contraventions t. moore to increase inspections
  3. recommend laminated signs to put on benches reminding people to put on their safety glasses.
  4. cc dean ses.


5.0   old business

5.1   field work safety committee

an inaugural meeting took place in late 2015.  a. diochon is serving as chair.  next meeting to be announced shortly, once t. moore has drafted some documents for the committee members to review.

5.2   chem storage vault

fan is undersized for this space. s. girvin to replace the fan in march.

6.0   new business

6.1   chemistry incident

6.1.1         an incident that occurred on march 5 in cb 2040.  a bottle of mixed organic solvent waste ruptured and broke open concentrated acid and ammonia bottles stored in the same cabinet.  the resulting leak caused damage to the floor tiles and a mist (probably nh4cl salt) to settle on lab surfaces.

  • some question of availability to contact professor in charge, t. moore to look into.
  • waste bottle was old (generator long gone), and not inventoried, no waste request made.
  • recommendations – proper storage of solvents and waste.
  • prompt entry of waste into system (incident occurred 2 days after waste pickup).
  • explore graduate student exit process to complement lab decommissioning.

6.2   certification training

6.2.1         j. sylvestre and m. sorokopud have both finished part 2 training.

6.2.2         j. joncas expressed interest in being trained.

6.3 awareness training for non-lab staff

6.3.1      t. moore delivered lab safety awareness training for physical plant staff in january.  housekeepers will be receiving training shortly.

                6.4 human pathogens license

6.4.1      the license application has been submitted to phac, although the license has yet to be granted officially, we are in compliance and legally allowed to continue operations working with human pathogens in teaching and research.


                6.5 2015 injury stats

6.5.1      injury stats for 2015 were discussed.  2015 had the lowest number of medical aid injuries in 8 eight years, but higher number of lost time injuries.


                6.6 kinesiology representative

       6.6.1      g. togtema has left the university.  kinesiology will be supplying the name of another elected representative.


6.7 muffle furnace

6.7.1      concern regarding use of a muffle furnace in cb 3023 without adequate ventilation.  s. girvin and t. moore to investigate following the meeting.


6.8 fire testing lab

6.8.1      fire testing lab (in lot 5) has been fully installed and is operational.  some concern regarding sops being in place prior to research being conducted.  additionally, annual inspections will be required for the crane and its components.  t. moore working with supervisor to ensure appropriate safe guards are in place.


7.0   other business


8.0   adjournment:  9:58 am


9.0   upcoming inspections to be conducted the first wednesday of each month at 9 am.  members of the committee are asked to send t. moore their availabilities for the remainder of the semester to ensure that we have worker members available to conduct these inspections.

9.1   bri

9.2   geology

9.3   instrumentation

9.4   kinesiology

9.5   health services