office and classrooms minutes - april 8, 2015
employee members management members
cindy haggerty (cope)
sue viitala (schedule ii)
ursula macdonald (ex-officio member)
outstanding business
in order to recruit new members who might be interested in serving on this committee, the following was decided:
• tove will email schedule ii members to ask for:
a) an alternate for schedule ii and a management member
• ursula will also talk to laurie forbes from lufa with regard finding to a designate and alternate from faculty
• ursula mentioned the an accessibility website is being developed; this might take longer than planned due to tove's leaving.
2. inspections
the bora laskin building was done in december. the centennial will be done this summer, (4th floor has been done). the ryan building is finished. may inspections will include: braun building-2nd floor; part of main floor; basement, finish nursing, psychology, outdoor recreation; saunders fieldhouse.
3. injury and accident reports
since december 2014, there have been various injuries. in march 2015, there were two
critical injuries.
4. new business/open discussion
1. asbestos: a faculty member found a "clump" of something in her office and brought it to
physical plant. office was cleaned up and air testing was done; all was within
acceptable limits. admin assistants' office as well as other offices were also tested with
the same results. two holes in the cb were found and were plugged. it was suggested
that birds were getting in and disturbing the asbestos.
- visible asbestos is checked once per year;
- an asbestos training "lunch and learn" has been planned; true grit will be doing the
presentation regarding information on what to look for and how to handle if found.
- testing done in avila - dust above light fixture tested and was found to contain fibres;
true grit suggested area should be cleaned.
- top of glass case on 4th floor had sprayed on fire proofing containing asbestos; type 2
cleaning was to be done; shannon will take photos of the 4th floor and has taken pictures
of the ceiling; testing will be done on march 27.
2. squirrel: a worker has been experiencing a "squirrel" problem in her office. north west
pest control was called in to investigate. they know where it is coming into the office
but not the building. steve girvin, operations manager, inspected the vent along the
wall; holes might be underneath vent. ursula will follow up with steve.
will look for visible holes with shanon; inspect exterior walls when snow is gone; talk to
steve re: blocking off access to office via heat vents.
next meeting: end of may 2015
time: tba in hr meeting room
human resources meeting room