labs and studios minutes – november 18th, 2015
e. searle, k. bhatia, m. moore, t. moore, s. girvin, c. surette, j. joncas, j. sylvestre, f. appoh, a. conly
time commenced: 9:05 a.m.
1.0 agenda : approved (js/cs)
2.0 review of minutes september 16, 2015: course code correct in minutes?
3.0 inspection report:
3.1 chem – most areas of the department were very good, a few research labs with unlabeled reaction mixtures. department reminded of laboratory whmis requirements for labelling. several research spaces belonging to one researcher had multiple "a" hazards. these spaces are habitual offenders. committee feels that the dean must be involved to find a solution. t. moore to draft a communication to the dean, outlining the current issues and some historical issues as well.
4.0 injury report : none
5.0 old business
5.1 animal handling
5.1.1 animal handling sops have been revised and will be ready for discussion at both the acc meeting and l&s meeting in january 2016.
5.2 laser safety
5.2.1 new user has been given copies of the new ansi standard, and has submitted his inventory. laser safety webpage has been activated and procedure has new ansi standard listed as a resource.
6.0 new business
6.1 chemical hazards mechanical staff
6.1.1 after working in a chemical lab, mechanic's shirt disintegrated after laying on a "clean" surface. s. girvin and t. moore arranging awareness training for mechanical staff. providing chemical resistant clean mats
6.2 phac licensing of biosafety
6.2.1 applications will be accepted on dec. 1, 2015. t. moore to submit for university and will keep committee posted on phac's response.
6.3 rediscovered items/hazards
6.3.1 several sources were discovered in an unused cabinet. survey measurements were taken and it was determined that no exposure occurred. cnsc has been contacted and disposal of the sources will occur in january 2016. this discovery raises the issue of decommissioning laboratories when occupants leave. policy was strengthened in february 2015, but no chance to test it yet. f. appoh looking at forms/checklists that might be useful and will send them to t. moore for use.
6.4 smells in cb
6.4.1 many smells in the general areas of cb over the last few months. h&s and mechanical staff are receiving complaint calls weekly re: these varying smells. in some of the instances recently, occupants are working with smelly chemicals and not reporting to security when the smell is generated, resulting in lots of extra work for h&s and mechanical. an email was distributed to admin assistants, deans and chairs on november 9, as a reminder of the procedure in place. has yet to filter to members of every department. t. moore to follow up with deans.
6.5 storage areas/chemical security
6.5.1 while on the smell calls, t. moore has found several labs unattended, open with chemicals in plain sight. warnings are to be issued to lab "owners" and reminder sent to deans/chairs re: liability of unsecured laboratories.
6.6 food and drink in lab
6.6.1 discussed under 3.1, and will be addressed in communication to the dean.
7.0 other business
7.1 hydrology lab
7.1.1 some work being completed in this space began without the involvement of physical plant and involved changes to university infrastructure.
7.1.2 the apparatus has some structural issues to be addressed prior to use.
7.1.3 plant staff have been working with the occupants and the dean to make this apparatus safe and ensure that all future projects are evaluated prior to the construction phase.
7.2 chemical storage "vault"
7.2.1 the vault has dedicated ventilation supplied 24/7, which is monitored by alarm. issues have arisen, where the ventilation system is not functioning as intended and has resulted in nuisance alarms. plant staff are aware of the issue and expect to have it resolved before the end of this week.
8.0 adjournment: 10:05 am
9.0 upcoming inspections to be conducted every wednesday at 9 am until end of december, or all inspections are completed. members of the committee are asked to send t. moore their availabilities for the remainder of november and december to ensure that we have worker members available to conduct these inspections.
9.1 psychology
9.2 electrical eng
9.3 biology
9.4 anthropology
9.5 nursing
9.6 nrm
9.7 civil engineering
9.8 munro street/luacf
9.9 chem eng
9.10 mechanical eng